What fictional city would you most wanna live in?

  1. Star Trek. Its not perfect, but the idea of living in a post-scarcity world, plus the holodeck?! So down.

    People join Starfleet to explore the galaxy! They don’t need to, they could easily stay at home and work part time and still have all their desires/needs filled, so long as they are home-bodies.

    My second choice would be the world of Pokemon, but I suspect a lot of aspects of ACTUAL life are not fully fleshed out. Do you eat Magikarp when you eat sushi? What other pokemon do you eat? Then theres the needless harm pokemon are CONSTANTLY getting into. But it does seem like a lovely world.

  2. Themyscira or whatever the place is called that Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot version) is from.

  3. Grizzly Hills from World Of Warcraft.

    It isn’t a city but a zone. However, my dream would be to live somewhere similar to that.

  4. Gotham City. But from Batman Beyond. It’s just so cool looking, also the futuristic tech sounds nice.

  5. Idk about want to live in, I can tell you you couldn’t pay me to live in New York in the Marvel Avengers universe.

  6. Since it feels like it’s about the size of a city, pretty much any Culture GSV would be okay. I like the name *Unfortunate Conflict of Evidence*, so I guess I’ll pick that one.

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