It’s been about a month since she last had her period. She got the IUD inserted around 2 months ago and we’ve had unprotected sex a couple of times when I came inside her. Whenever it said she was close to when her ovulation was predicted, I wore a condom. Her most recent period was supposed to start around a week ago. Should I be concerned about pregnancy or am I overthinking this? I’m going to go get a test tomorrow either way.

  1. it’s normal for a period to disappear after an iud has been inserted. if you guys are concerned, test for pregnancy to give yourselves peace of mind.

  2. Birth control can affect menstrual cycle, and as someone who has had an IUD in the past, I do know they can stop periods for a while. Some people with IUDs don’t even get their periods anymore! I only got mine once every 6-8 months, if that.

  3. She’ll get occasional spotting from time to time too, and cramps in occasion too.

  4. Typically an IUD will stop one’s period, ideally within a few months. IUDs are one of the most effective birth control methods out there. 99.9% effective. I would not stress about accidental pregnancy on an IUD.

  5. Really depends on what kind of iud she has. With a copper one she will still get a (somewhat) normal period, but a hormonal one can potentially stop it. I got a hormonal one a few months ago and my periods lately have just been a day with spotting in between. Still got cheap pregnancy tests to just have on hand in case I am ever worried. If she is worried that she is pregnant always best to just take a test.

  6. my birth control affected my period. i had one normal one and then some spotting here and there for a few months. i did have some anxiety that i was pregnant eventhough i followed the doctors instructions perfectly. i bought a pregnancy test just to be sure. it put both mine and my boyfriend’s mind at ease. we are both very against having a baby with where we are at financially and what we’d like to accomplish beforehand. i would talk to her and ask if she’d be willing to take one.

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