Long story short, my husband and I are getting a divorce due to infidelity, and for an unknown period of time my four kids and I have to live with my husband and his parents. (For more info, please check my profile and other posts.)

My kids and I just moved back in after tiny living situations. I know it’s wrong/rude to ignore someone in their own homes, but thats what I intended to do after being kicked out.

Today is day five of the lockdown, and I woke up to loud banging in the room next door, (my husbands new room.) I opened the door and looked across the hall to see the old bed frame being dragged out the room by my FIL and husband. When they see me, they began to carry the furniture correctly and stop making noise. I asked my FIL what they were doing, and my husband responded, “The bed frame creaked too much, and I didn’t like it. So we’re getting me a new one.” I hummed and stepped back into my room and my husband came in. I told him to get out, and he asked what time I was taking our 8 y/o daughter to gymnastics. I told him the time and asked why, and he said that he wanted to tag along and support her as he’s never been to one of her practices, (she’s been practicing since she was 5) I told him he could follow behind me and he said “What’s the point, I’ll just tag with you guys.”

It was 5 a.m at this point and I didn’t see a need to argue. He was close the entire convo, and brushed one of my curls that fell out of my bonnet away from my face when we was speaking, (it used to make me flustered.) I closed him out the room and woke up again just before 7 a.m. When it was time to leave (9 a.m.), I searched the house for him and I couldn’t find him. I went to the library and found SIL. She told me quote, “He went to go talk to ‘Amy’. He told me not to tell you but ion care.” I thanked her and she went back to her book. I didn’t bother to text him as it was obvious where his priorities were.

An hour and a half in, he texted me, asking where we was. I told him (daughters name)’s practice, and he got upset that we left with out him. I responded simply, “ ‘Amy’ needed you.” (I know it was petty but I couldn’t help myself!!!) He blew my phone up with a mix of angry and denial messages. We got home later then expected, since I took my daughter to get ice cream due to her great performance.

When we arrived to the house, I checked on all of my kids and went to sleep for a short nap. When i woke up, I was in his arms and his hands laid on my waist and butt while he watched TV. I jumped up and yelled at him to get his hands off of me, and what the f he was doing. He basically went on, spewing about how he was sorry for his infidelity, lies and what not. That he broke things off with ‘Amy’ today and all he wanted was to be with me and the kids (He had the smell of sex on him). He ended his rant by saying he thought I’d like to wake up like that again, as I did months ago (before infidelity was discovered) I told him quite literally, “Fuck off.” and he said, “Even if I wanted to, I can’t. We’re gonna be roommates for a bit.” I asked him what he meant, and he said that we had to share rooms as he didn’t have a bed, and his bed would’ve come in for a while due to major delays.

I snapped and told him that that wasn’t going to happed to which he told me to “suck it up” and it was for the best. He asked why I had a problem with it, and that we shared a bed up til a month ago. My MIL came in, cue the commotion and I asked if I really had to share a bed with him. She said yes but only for a bit, to which I told her it was bullshit. My husband got mad at me for cursing at him mom, and his mom said she just wanted to save our marriage that’s falling apart due to my tendency to overact, (saying my husband cheating w/ a best friend wasn’t a big deal.)

I asked her “what marriage?” and that my personal feeling with my husband was done. My MIL continued to rant to which I asked her, “So I don’t have a right to be mad?” and she said, “That’s not what I said.” My MIL and husband ganged on a taken aback me, til my FIL joined in. All he said was, “Just wait till tonight and they have sex. Sex fixes everything.” Everyone laughed, and I grimaced. I told him sex won’t fix this. He said quote, “GOOD sex will. If my son aint hittin’ it right let me know and I can help you.” He winked at me and everyone laughed some more before I told him he was fucking disrespectful and disgusting. Everyone immediately stopped laughing and now they’re making it seem like I’m an ass for telling a 58 y/o man that I didn’t want to have sex with him.

My PIL’s + husband are telling me that he didn’t imply that, and that I’m overreacting. It’s been more than 2 1/2 hours when he said that and was upset I wouldn’t talk to him (FIL) and said that I was overreacting as he said sorry, (he did not.)

They’re honestly making me feel like it (TA), and none of my kids know what happened but I’m sure they inspect something because they’ve been asking me am I okay all day. It’s just something new everyday under this roof, I seriously need to find a new place for my kids and I to stay. How do I remain civil under this roof?

EXTRAS; I am 36, my husband is 38. My husband and I have known each other for 29 years, been in a relationship for 20 years, and married for 14. MIL is 53, FIL is 58. SIL is 21. The kids are 16 y/o M + F, 13 y/o M, and 8 y/o F. Amy is my ‘best friend’ of 25 years.

My husband has a family business that brings him more than seven figures, and my job brings me around six.

  1. Alot to get into here. I’d cut through it all by asking you a question. What is it you want?

  2. You have a job move out get a divorce attorney. What they are re doings is abusive manipulative and degrading.

  3. >He asked why I had a problem with it, and that we shared a bed up til a month ago.

    >his mom said she just wanted to save our marriage that’s falling apart due to my tendency to overact, (saying my husband cheating w/ a best friend wasn’t a big deal.)

    >“Just wait till tonight and they have sex. Sex fixes everything.”

    >“GOOD sex will. If my son aint hittin’ it right let me know and I can help you.”

    Wow from the top to bottom, him and his parents are so fcked up and selfish. Well your “ex” got his fcked up selfish personality and behavior from his parents. I would have probably moved completely out. It seems clear to me that living with them is just a trap for love bombing and manipulation. They don’t even acknowledge any wrongdoing and I bet if the tables turned and you were the one cheating with his best friend they would suddenly think it is a big deal. Kids should know what is going on. They need to at least know who to make their role models. Cause if I was a kid, I would much rather be raised by the normal and self respecting parent rather than the selfish cheater and selfish grandparents. I don’t want to be messed up like them and rather have a heart.

  4. >My husband has a family business that brings him more than seven figures, and my job brings me around six.

    Time to throw some money at this problem. Rent a house. Go to a hotel. You aren’t staying there any longer.

  5. Your FILs comment made me sick to my stomach. You are not safe in that house. I’d take my kids and leave to a rented house, hotel, … anywhere but here. Do you have a divorce lawyer?

  6. This is not a safe situation you need to get out now, your ex has no regard for your boundaries and your IL’s will support anything he does to you.

  7. Wow, get out of here as soon as possible, that’s awful. You’re not safe
    When the day comes, (very soon I hope) ask a friend to come help you move, in case you need an eye witness/a third party to keep them “civil”
    You’re so patient, I think I would have ripped this guy’s arm and I would have beaten him with it.

  8. You do not stay in that house!! Husband and FIL are pigs!! Sex doesn’t fix your husband’s cheating!!

    Hell he slept your BFF. He and she are scum!!

    Airbnb, take the kids on a vacation!!

  9. Honestly, I would pack up my kids and go to a motel. There is NO WAY I would stay there. And I would file the divorce papers TOMORROW. Fuck those guys.

  10. I would stay in a hotel or Airbnb with my kids before I stayed one more night in that house. If you can’t do that, I stay with one of the kids tonight. Tell your MIL that her husband is a disgusting pervert and her son is a lying, cheater and hell will freeze over before you ever let him touch you again. Get an attorney and file those divorce papers.

  11. Stay with your youngest child, or you 16 year old daughter but do not get into a bed with that man. Also document his behaviour.

  12. girl pack your stuff and gtfo. get a hotel for a few days with the kids. it will be like vacation for them.

  13. Oh my god has your ex’s parents always talked to you like you’re a walking Fleshlight???? And then have the gawl to laugh??????? That’s obscene and you have much more self control than me and I commend you for that 👏👏👏

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