Hi I’m a 29F who has been seeing a 28M for a little less than 2 months now. We’ve gone on 5 dates and have a 6th one planned. Before our first date, we established that both of us were looking for a serious relationship.

Last week, he asked me how the “pace” was for me like in terms of establishing exclusivity/relationship. I told him, “I care about you and I have feelings for you. I’m not interested in seeing anyone else.” To which he replied, “Same here. I haven’t been seeing or talking or looking for anyone else.”

However I have noticed that he has been active on the app. The app we use shows if someone has been active within the last 72 hours if you have premium which I do but not sure if he does. I saw that he has been. No changes in profile or pictures but just saw that he was active. The only reason why I opened my app is because I got a notification of some sort.

So I’m confused and wondering what I should do. I thought it was kind of implied that after that conversation that we were exclusive (not seeing or talking to anyone else but not yet meeting one another’s family and friends) but I guess not. I’m wondering if I should be worried to be honest or if it’s worth a conversation. Him and I agreed we’re good at the pace we’re going so I’m not really sure what to do. Thank you in advance.

  1. I did the same thing as him. But to check if the person I’m dating is active –that’s all. I’m sure you’re doing the same thing, which will lead you both to believe you’re both talking to other people Lol when in reality you’re both checking if the other is active. Funny, but common situation.

  2. To be fair, he could have gotten a notification and opened the app the same as you did, making him “active”.

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