What do you think of bathroom scales?

  1. Haven’t had bathroom scales for around 12 years. If I’m putting on or even losing weight my clothes will be the first to let me know

  2. I’ve never really had body image issues because my parents gassed me up my entire childhood, so I like them. It help me keeps track of what’s going on in my body. I see it no differently than my Fitbit tracking my sleep or keeping track of how much water you drink. I’ve also been chronically I’ll since 2010 and during some bad flare ups as a teenager I lost a considerable amount of weight so the scale was important there too when I got my appetite back and started to regain the weight.

  3. I like mine. It’s a pretty nice one that also (vaguely) estimates body fat %, bone mass, and a few other things. No idea if those other bells and whistles are accurate but I find them interesting. The weight is spot on though because I’ll weigh myself before Dr appointments and my scale matches the one in the Dr office.

  4. A necessary evil, at least for someone like me who has a family history of type 2 diabetes, who has lost a significant amount of weight but has more to go.

  5. I think I might be a little bit obsessed with mine because I literally weigh myself almost every time I visit the bathroom. And it’s not even about weight gain or diet or else, it’s just… kinda fun.

    Woke up? Oh look I weigh less than yesterday. Drank a whole big glass of water? Oh look, I weigh 1 lbs more than before. Just peed? Oh look, I weigh 0,4 lbs less now. Ate dinner? Oh look, I weigh 0,75 lbs more. Just pooped? Oh look, I lost 0,5 lbs!

  6. My scale is in my kitchen. Kitchen scale is useful. I’m not healthy weight. Scale is a reminder every time I cook or eat.

  7. I have history with an ED (luckily recovered now), but scales used to determine my mood, my selfworth and they just reinforced my ED behaviours. Also my mum used to compare our weights any time we were in the bathroom at the same time. She would say “Thunk, you wanna weigh with me? Oh, look I weigh less than you! Oh don’t worry dear, when I was your age I also had a little extra weight. But you know, I could lose some 5kgs…” I hated it. Now i don’t weigh myself at all and ask doctors not to tell me my weight – I really dont want to relapse.

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