I was at court the other day, and this girl walked in. Incredibly cute — she first went and sat on the other side of the room, as I was checking her out we made eye contact and she came over and sat by me, about 4 seats down.

I’ll admit I pussed out. I was super nervous about court (I got caught with something that you shouldn’t get caught with…drugs – not some super weird shit but still gnarly) So I was a little stressed and not on my A game.

When the DA was calling out peoples names I caught her name. She would keep turning to look at me and smiling – I’d smile back but for some reason just didn’t talk to her? I’ve never been nervous around women but she made me nervous.

Would it be creepy to seek her out on social media? I’m pretty sure I found her instagram page…

EDIT: I requested her…. I’ll lyk how it goes

  1. Not really especially in court, courts supposed to be a quiet calm and focused thing. Just dm her and say where you’re from and you should be fine, just dont seem intense or come on to her or be clingy.

  2. I feel like if you dm her on social media she’ll think you’re a massive creep. But you’re probably never going to see her again otherwise I guess? So might as well shoot your shot….

  3. This is the moment in your life where you decide to be a creepy stalker or not.

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