My girlfriend and I have been together for about 2 years now. We are both still very young (18) and have always had a lot of fun having sex. Lately her desire has dropped so drastically that we sleep together less than once a week. I’ve spoken to her about it before and she said there’s no reason for it and the lust isn’t as strong as it was at first. I’ve already suggested to her that we try things out, but she’s not interested in that. I love her, but I keep feeling rejected. I want to live sexuality and don’t know how to do that with her. An open relationship is an absolute red flag for her and actually for me too, but I don’t know what to do.

  1. Judging from what you’ve said, seems like she doesn’t see the importance of sex. If that’s the case (seeing how you two have already spoken about it) then i reckon you should end things but only after you’ve asked yourself this question. “Is sex that important to me?”. Just give yourself some proper time to dwell on it before you make a decision.

  2. Speak often and search a second person only for that, IF you can do that!


    You have two hands…

  3. You have to have the (maybe tough) conversation with her and find out WHY her lust isn’t as strong any more.

    There could be 1,001 reason for this from a medical condition, to medication, to just simply not wanting as much sex any more.

    After this conversation, it is ultimately up to you as to whether a sexless relationship is worth it to you or not.

    You both need to be fair to each other.

  4. Well it’s common for the desire to drop off after the first year or two when the sexual energy is high. I’m not saying all people are like that but it’s common. You have passed the initial dating phase and now the relationship is getting more serious and her libido dropped down to her normal. She is lower libido than you. Find somebody with a higher libido or you have to live with once a week.

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