Men of Reddit, what is your favorite action movie scene?

  1. The final fight scene of Hardcore Henry on the roof. When queen kicks in, it still gives me goosebumps.

  2. Conan the Barbarian final graveyard fight scene. The lead up with the death of a friend to preparing for combat. Conan’s prayers to his god crom basically saying help or the the fuck out of the way. Massive butchering of people, and the final fight. Also the music is perfection.

  3. Not an action movie, but it’s an action scene in a crime movie:

    There’s a film called La Mala Ordina aka The Italian Connection from 1972 directed by Fernando Di Leo. It’s about a small-time pimp who incorrectly gets targeted by hitmen. It was Tarantino’s inspiration for Pulp Fiction.

    Anyway, the pimp witnesses his ex-wife and child getting mowed down and killed by a van, and embarks upon what I think is the greatest movie chase scene ever. It last 10 minutes, and is utterly relentless. Has a banging soundtrack too.

  4. Liam Neesons phone call in Taken will forever be iconic. Knew from the moment I first saw the commercial on TV that I had to see it, didnt disappoint.

  5. The Matrix, the scene where they are on a roof, and Neo hangs on a huey helicopter, she grabs a chain that is attached to Neo and that helicopter just slowmo’s over the girl and she holds on to the chain with Neo.


    Great scene

  6. The rescue scene in *You Were Never Really Here*. It’s not an action movie, more a gritty crime thriller, but there’s a good 5 minutes that are Joaquin Phoenix rescuing the kidnapped girl from the trafficking ring’s brothel that are silent and only viewed from stationary security cameras. It’s so mundanely brutal that it’s pushed out all of the insane scenes I’ve witnessed in my life to the top spot.

    Honorable mention goes to the showdown between JCVD and Arnold Vosloo in *Hard Target*, which is my favorite example of John Woo’s “hero/villain talk around the wall” trope.

  7. The hand to hand fight between Bourne and that other agent in the agents house in The Bourne Supremacy.

  8. Probably near the end of Lord of the Rings Fellowship when the uruks catch up to the fellowship and Aragorn basically sacrifices himself and faces the advancing army head on to give Frodo and Sam time to escape. That and the way Gimli and Legolas just show up without a word and dive into the fight.

  9. Fifth Element, the opera/diva suite scene leading up to Zorg getting his ass blown up.

  10. I usually think action is cringely depicted. However there are some exceptions.

    X men origins wolverine.

    Project X’s head tumbles down the chimney, while shooting lasers out of it’s eyes. Destroys the chimney.

    At 2:00

  11. Starship troopers – defending the outpost base. CGI still looks great compared to more modern movies.

  12. Ong bak. The scene against big bear. Yeah, it’s obviously choreographed, otherwise a guy that size would just grab him and throw him around like a rag doll. But it’s still a cool scene.

  13. The scene in Fifth Element. On the ship after blue alien gets shot and Korban bust up all the alien High Jackers.

    Honorable mention, in Serenity, River fighting the Revers near the end.

  14. Arnold throwing a machete through a guy in predator and saying “stick around”

  15. Kiss of the Dragon, when Jet Li works his way through the building at the end.

  16. pretty much every action scene in mad max fury road. god i love that movie so much

  17. The scene from Life Aquatic when Bill Murray runs around with a revolver while Iggy & Stooges blasts or that final scene in Kick Ass.

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