Costs aside, can this sort of lifestyle bring about a better quality of life? At present we can’t find a nice house with a decent commute to work. If we go further out we can but it would be painful to do 1.5-2hours for the days we go in.

  1. Where we live in Canada, lots of people have a home in the city and spend weekends or summers at the cottage. Anything that is an hour or two outside the city is still pretty expensive but if you are willing to drive a few hours to get away from the city it can be pretty nice.

  2. Rent one place during the week, then get it cleaned before you go out for the weekend. That way, you recoup your mortgage cost through rent. And maybe even save yourself some cash

  3. Small studio or apartment in the city and a country home is what many people who can afford it do

  4. Where I’m at it’s a pretty common to have commuter tenants. To save money you just rent a room in the city where you sleep during the week, then own a house further out where ever you want. I did this for a while where I rented a few blocks away from work but actually had my place about 3 hours away.

  5. The big questions you have to ask yourself do you have a family will their schedule let you do this? Are you financially valuable to do this if something happens to your job?

  6. If I were to entertain the thought of a second home, it would be a cabin on the lake scenario. If your two homes are city/suburb, why not just pool the collective cost into something nice in a better proximity to where you work?

  7. If you can afford both places why not? If money were no object and i could keep my house in the city, buy a cottage 2 hours away, and buy another house in Florida for the winter, I believe my quality of life would increase.

  8. I know people who do this. If you can swing it, get a two bedroom in the city and get a professional roommate. That will offset a lot of your costs.

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