I have never been into butt stuff, or things like anal, anal training etc my boyfriend talks about. It’s very noticeable he wants to try those things this is the only thing which will make me try those as well. I love him, so I must try this with him even at least once. I am into CNC, which I haven’t talked about yet with him. Think this is the right time?? A CNC scenario where he puts it into my ass, like this is something I’m genuinely not into, maybe this will enhance the experience?? Am I dumb 💀 he will still go slow since it will hurt for him too right?? Since I’m too tight down there?

Give advice thanks:(

And yeah please know I WANT to try anal with him because he wants it. I don’t feel pressured to, nor he has pressured me. Please do not come at my boyfriend or I will report you.

  1. I personally am willing to try something I’m not into if I think it will make my husband happy. I won’t continue to do it if I really don’t like it but I don’t see the harm in trying it I guess?

  2. It’s good that you want to do it and don’t feel presured to.

    It doesn’t need to hurt. Just take baby steps (that metaphor my sound strange but you get the point). Never forget what makes our privat parts so sensitive and responsing for pleasure is to a huge amount the high amount of nerves in that areas. And beleve it or not in asses are manny of them! Let me tell you what workes for me. I sugest you should try it alone and with a good amount of oil or what works best for you. Just relax and maybe masage your butt. Am I wrong when I think writing this uneases your muscles in that area? So relax and explore your rear region. Try to circle or put a little preasure on it. Maby use your other hand on your vagina or breasts. At this point you could integrate your cnc fantasies. When you’re relaxed just use the first diget of one finger. And don’t forget to relax 😉 Remember to stimulate the nerves. You can go on by your self from that point on.

    No it doesn’t need to hurt him if you’re not relaxed. But he will go slow since he loves you too. I recomend doing it while laying on the side next to each other – this way he won’t be able to enter you as deep as if he were on top of you and gravity would aid him. Butt that may be just my experience.

    I don’t recomend using anal as part of your cnc for the verry firat time. I learned that I get the moast pleasure out of it if the other one gets the moast pleasure. I don’t have experience with cnc but I can imagine that it can have a disturbing impact on the dynamic of the scene. You can do it when it’s a regular thing for the two of you.

    P.S.: I havn’t seen you ever and can tell that you are not “to tight down there”. The next time you go to your bathroom look at it. That is what fits in you. The tension is just in our head. 😉

    Have fun with yourself. Have fun with your partner and enjoy each other.

    And above all things if you tryed it and it is still not your thing don’t put pressure on you or let someone else do it. No is always a completely valid anser.

    Have a nice day.

  3. Kind of happened to me recently. My wife has been going on quite a bit about pegging me. Honestly like yourself I’m not to keen on my butt being played with and had the same worries as you have. After thinking about it (she never put any pressure on me either) I decided why not. Like all butt play, you take it easy, relax and if it had hurt she would have stopped. Your in control and you know where your limit is and if it feels to uncomfortable then say no you cant

  4. I’ve never had anal hurt when topping.

    Only you can judge when the right time is, but *do not* do anal for the very first time during your very first CNC scene. Dude, asking for everything to go completely tits up.

    I’d do anal outside a scene. Lube, going slow, and a flush are recommended. Take fiber supplements for like 5 days in advance (and just in general).

    I’d make CNC scene it’s own separate thing and really limit the menu options at first.

    Frankly, it sounds like you should be doing a lot of reading: there’s a ton of experiences kinksters out there answering CNC questions!

  5. It’s fine to want to please your partner, to try things you’re not that into. But only have sex you voluntarily want to have. I’m always a bit worries when I read these, ”my bf keeps bringing up anal” things, because it can be / feel like pressuring. The important thing is, have you said ’no’. Respecting consent mean respecting the no, and not bringing it up again and again. You can love him and not want to try. I hope it’s truly your inner (misinformed) thought that you *must* try if you love him.

    Most women who do try anal, do it for him, for his pleasure. That’s okay. Enough lube and escalating slowly, do not expect to get a penis in first or second play time. Always very relaxed and aroused, preferably an orgasm or a couple in, start with just one finger, get to know what it feels like.

    Keep the CNC out of this for now. Keep them separate. CNC is very extreme, and you should start with something smaller.

    It will NOT hurt him the same way it will hurt you, to penetrate too quickly or roughly. It can cause real damage to you. Anal should not hurt. It’s one thing to, I don’t know, spank your ass till it’s red and the thrusting motion hurts your butt cheeks, but the act of anally penetrating should not hurt.

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