TLDR; my husband closed his phone when a text popped up and when I confronted him he deleted it and said it’s nothing.

my husband was watching a video on his phone while I was laying next to him. I too was watching this video. A text popped up on his phone, I glanced at it and saw a name that looked like “ Leslie” but I wasn’t 100% sure. My husband suddenly turned the screen off and put his phone down. When I asked him why he did that, he made it seem like I was making a big deal. He kept telling me to “calm down” or “ relax”. I was shocked that he needed to hide a text message from me so I was super upset by this. I got up and left because I needed to deal with our daughters dinner. When I came back 20 minutes later he was asking if I was okay. Which I said “ no I am not ok. Why would I be ok?”
And he said “ just relax. It’s nothing”. And I said “ if it’s nothing, then show me”. Which he said “ no it’s my phone”.

I insisted he showed me, which he pulled his phone out and as I said “ do not delete it”, he said “ it’s deleted”. Which made me more angry because why would you need to delete it?

He claimed it’s from a co worker named Louis, which if it was. Why do u need to hide it. What would be said that’s that bad that I shouldn’t see it.

  1. He’s definitely hiding something. And unfortunately, it’s probably an earth shattering, life altering something. People dont just react like that unless they’re in deep shit if they get caught.

    I’m sorry OP. Having gone through this myself, I can say for sure he’s up to no good.

  2. He’s cheating on you. You don’t hide text messages unless there’s something that he doesn’t want you to know or see. Now he’s going to change “Leslies” name in his phone to Louis and then he’ll lie and say see its just Louis. I’d be super pissed too.

  3. The same thing happened when my daughters dad was doing work release at a place where he cleaned and there was women preparing food to send to elderly people like a meals on wheels type of thing. Anyways he told me sometimes hed text one of his coworkers and then later joke and say he never really was texting coworkers. Oh and I forgot to mention it was like two guys from work release so him and another male and all the other people working there were just women so I just thought he was texting the other male. Little by little he started telling me about how there was this girl around his age (he’s a few years older then me) and how she also has a kid and blah blah blah. I just had our daughter and I was very insecure but I thought he loved me enough to not do anything behind my back. Well one day when he gets home from work release he’s showing me a post or something on his phone and then all of a sudden a notification pops up from Snapchat and it’s from the girl who he’s been talking about. I remember he tried taking the phone away saying he didn’t know why she’d message him and so when I made him open it, it was a message with a kissy emoji. He messaged her “wtf?” Or something along that and blocked her while she was typing, obviously he didn’t want me to see her response and ended up saying that they were talking and she just randomly sent that. I had to message her myself and she lied saying nothing was going on and it wasn’t until I found messages of her saying she loved him and that she wanted to be with him and how she didn’t want him to keep lies from her that’s when she told me everything. They kissed and he made up lies about me to her about how I was threatening to take away our daughter and bs like that.

    Anyways sorry for venting, basically don’t trust him. If there was nothing going on he wouldn’t need to hide anything. Don’t put up with someone who doesn’t have the decency to be honest with you. If he’s cheating then nothing will stop him from doing it again and he’ll just hide things better. Be happy without him. If you ever need someone to talk to please feel free to message me 😊

  4. Do you have a birthday or anniversary coming up? Maybe he is trying to plan a surprise? Not every secret is sinister.

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