Every kind of most cheap sex toys cost $25 everything but i can buy better sex toys for more money.

So should i buy more or buy better. Quality Vs Quantity?

idk if seems like a shit question but maybe it’s different for everyone seeing their budget and satisfaction.

  1. Quality. Cheap toys are very bad – both in durability and in the actual experience.

  2. Tbh sex toys are one of those things that is very much you get what you pay for so it’s usually better to spend more initially than having to buy constantly in the long run. While it’s true you don’t always need to buy the most expensive stuff as some toys do the same job just as good but have some minor extra benefit which might not be worth the extra dollars.

    Now, that’s not to say that you should buy a $200 toy if you’re brand new to sex toys as you’ll regret it if you don’t like it so it can be better to spend less before jumping to the more expensive stuff.

  3. In my opinion, silicone toys are really where this matters most. Not all toys are made the same.

    I would never buy anything if it’s not steel, glass or silicone. So keep that in mind. Avoid plastic or weird jelly materials.

    But when it comes to silicones, you don’t want something that will fall apart or harbor bacteria so look for quality body safe silicone/ materials and pay attention to the specs.

    I bought one from a local shop that was $60+ and it actually ended up being the shittiest toy I ever bought compared to the two that I bought on Amazon for only $25 a piece. The silicone on the shop one isn’t good quality and it attracts lint like a mother fucker. It also has discolored after about a year and frankly I am about to throw it away because it just sits in a drawer most of the time now….. my other two “cheaper” ones are very silky matte and nice silicone and work great still. Plus they are very sleek and have no seams.

    Any ways price doesn’t always equal quality. Keep that in mind.
    Looks for sleek designs with little to no seams if possible!

  4. I would definitely stick to the fewer toys, but quality ones. But in reality, you really do not need to compromise here. Since I and my wife are sex toy addicts and purchase at least 3 toys every month, I am really glad that we found the [Orgasmic Deals](https://orgasmicdeals.com/products/) website. They stock most of the sex toys available in states and offer really, really low prices for VIP customers.

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