So high school finishes tomorrow and everyone is going to this party type thing. I’ve never done anything like it before, I won’t know anyone there, and I have the social skills of a rock. I just want to have a fun time, and everyone else to have a fun time without me being boring and ruining their fun. First of all how do I approach these people (considering I know who they are and they know who I am, but we’ve never talked to each other before, ever)? Then once I have approached them, what do I say/do to make them like me and make me seem a fun and interesting person? I would prefer to speak to those of the opposite gender, which I know doesn’t sound the best, but it always seems more of a social win to me if I do. Of course it doesn’t have to be the opposite gender, I just want to talk to anyone and have fun, without thinking I was weird and cringey the next day.

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