And it didn’t work out. At all. I (27F) met him on Hinge, and after three months I told him that I loved him. He didn’t say it back, and for the next six months the relationship devolved into a mixture of unrequited love and, on his part, a mountain of lies. It was my first time in love, and I was hopelessly blind. When we broke up, he told me that he never loved me, and didn’t think he ever could. I understood that he was just being honest, but it still hurt. I became emotionally guarded. I dated around, but didn’t want to get hurt again, and most dates ended after two or three meet-ups.

In the beginning of 2022, I deleted my Hinge, and began really focusing on myself and my happiness. In February, my roommate set me and a friend of hers up on a surprise blind date by inviting both of us out to eat at the same time with a few other friends. Yesterday, I told that surprise blind date, now boyfriend, that I love him. He pulled me in for a kiss instantly, and in that five second span that felt like a year for me, I began to panic. I’d been terrified to say it, reminded of the last time I’d done so. I felt vulnerable and stupid suddenly, and irrationally afraid that by saying it the relationship would crumble or he wouldn’t say it back. If he didn’t say it back would I be okay? Would he ever say it?

Well, turns out all my panicking was wasted. He said it. “I’ve loved you for a long time.” What an insane thing to hear someone say back to you. For so long I wasn’t happy. I was lonely and felt like I’d never find love. I feel so lucky to be with my bf, and so happy, and I just wanted to share it with someone.

  1. Lol you fell in love within 3 months. Oookay. You may have fell for a version of a person in that short of a time but the majority of people still have their fake front on that early into a relationship.

    Imo love takes time, serious time and hardships. Seeing them at their highest, lowest, ups and downs. That’s when. You actually know if you love the person they really are.

  2. Who said Reddit is only of sad stories.
    Your story felt like a breath of fresh air.
    I wish you long lasting happiness.

  3. I’m so cynical that I was looking for the ‘promotional content posted by Tinder’ somewhere

    This is wholesome, and I’m glad it exists in the universe!

  4. You give me hope that I will find love again too. It’s now been four years since I fell in love. I told her I loved her and she never said it back. I hope it’s not much longer, but for now I’m content with working on myself, meeting people, deepening friendships over months and years. That’s such a cute response!! He said he’s loved you for a long time?? That sounds so genuine. That makes my heart happy. Hopefully everything turns out okay. There’s always a good chance it won’t, for reasons outside of your control. If things go sour, it’s still good to know you tried. Make him whatever part of your life he’s capable of, unashamedly. Make everyone else jealous of the bond you have

  5. Thank you for sharing this OP. I was in a similar situation as you a few years ago. I was hopelessly in love with a guy who didn’t love me back, and told me so multiple times. I was nothing but a booty call to him, but I convinced myself that if I forced myself into the mold he wanted that he would eventually see my worth. Instead he dumped me the night before my 23rd birthday.

    Thank god for that because if he had happened to love me back I would’ve been in a relationship with a racist, superficial narcissist who would’ve slowly stripped away at my identity and joy. Today I’m with a man who is so much better objectively (has a good career, is handsome, patient, and loving) that reminds me everyday how lucky he is to have me.

    Moral of the story is that don’t hold onto someone who isn’t meant for you because they might prevent you from meeting the love of your life.

  6. When I was 27, I fell in love for the first time with a 21 year old girl, asked her out and proceeded to date her for 3 years, much of it was long distance cause she moved to the US to continue her education.

    A year ago, she told me she’s in love with another person and never truly had romantic feelings for me. She only stayed with me because I was always there for her and I helped her out immensely with her work and life in general. The pain, humiliation and knowing that not only would I never get what I expected from her, but someone else is getting it for putting in the fraction of the effort I put in was just unbearable.

    I never really got to experience what a true relationship is and I dearly hope I get to experience what you did…

  7. Oh my god OP, I thought this post was going to go downhill, but this was so WHOLESOME!!!! Thank you for sharing something so wonderful with us all. There is hope! 😊🎉

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