So this is based on travelling all over Europe and Asia. As a British, 30M white guy, any dating app I open, attractive girls message me. I swear dudes, it’s true. Be it Hinge or Tinder. Further East you go, the hotter I seemed to get, girls don’t need much convincing to meet up and hang out, doesn’t always lead to sex or anything really, but you don’t feel so sour since it didn’t take a month to set up!

But I live in the UK, where I have a good job, friends and family. But dating is impossible. Like I clearly know how to talk to people, I do it when travelling to great success, but at home it like expert difficulty, really tough.

I just can’t figure out where I’m going wrong, any suggestions? Can’t be that the standard is higher, I reckon I’m about top 40% of richness too, so it’s not cus I’m poor. Maybe my stage 1 dad bod, but come on now.

  1. The more exotic you go, the more of a novelty you are. And, in some cases, people may want to move to your country.

  2. abroad: you are exotic..different accent….different language.
    Back home: You are just one of the guys you dont stand out

  3. You’re considered a higher social class and exotic at home you’re just another white guy.

  4. OP, you have multiple people telling you it’s just because you’re a white guy. I’m going to join them too. It’s literally just because you’re a white guy. That becomes nothing special in a sea of other white people. Your other qualities matter more in that scenario.

  5. Same. At home I get like no matches, went to Mexico and got over 100 in just 3 days.

  6. I’ve noticed this too. British girls do not like to give any subtle hints and abroad specially in Eastern Europe girls make it quite obvious they’re attracted to you. Even the staring is enough to give you confidence to talk to them. In England girls give you ZERO from my experience.

  7. Don’t overthink it and just go where you’re welcomed. That’s your niche.

  8. Let’s be honest, if you have the money to travel you are economically comfortable.

    Also being honest some of these ladies live in the shadow of desperate poverty. The economic opportunities for women in many of the countries are dismal to say the least.

    Back home your just another guy.

  9. Lucky you cause the reverse doesn’t work haha
    I’m a brown dude living in France and it couldn’t be any worse.

  10. By further east I’m assuming asia.

    Imagine this. There’s 5 million girls wanting to fuck white guys and 5 million white guys. The girls probably have a bit of room to be picky.

    There’s 5 million girls and 20 000 white guys. The white dudes do way better.

    There’s also an economic incentive in some countries. Western media has done a great job to make white dudes seem attractive (and if you haven’t seem that many white people before your tastes are often different). Different countries can seem exotic.

    Do you think your success is due to talking with people well? Even with the language barrier?

  11. Idk man. My partner is “meh” in Latvia, but heccin’ Clark Kent in the US. Different countries have different beauty standards.

  12. Reminds me of 90 Day Fiancé. Impoverished women in third world countries and old foreigner expats.

  13. I can attest to the fact that it’s not solely a male issue. Making friends, dating, my general social life was better abroad. But I’ve realised that:
    1. I don’t work in an environment with lots of the opposite gender
    2. In my profession people seem to not stop working
    3. Everyone in my town and nearby settles down into their own little bubble fairly early on. Most people my age in Spain hadn’t even moved in with partners yet, most hadn’t even left home. So they were extremely social.

    Edit: I don’t think it’s anything to do with standards, the dating pool is particularly thin in my area and my standards haven’t really changed here or abroad.

  14. Either cause you’re white and they don’t come across many white men. Or they low-key want you to fall in love with them and be the ticket to a British citizenship.

  15. I’d say apart from being exotic overseas, you’re also more of an enjoyable person outside of your mundane life I assume, unless you’re a miserable traveller 😂

    As for how to stand out back home, I guess you first stop reminiscing your glorious encounters and treatments from the ladies overseas and expect the same at home. Then find out what qualities you want in a partner, also find out who you are, what makes you a good partner.

    I generally find people with a kind heart very attractive, the way they always try to interpret things in the nicest way, always giving other people the benefit of the doubt before jumping the gun to judge. And facial hair, it’s important, too.😂

  16. I’m a 30F American and I’ve never felt more attractive than when I was in the UK. I had guys hitting on me all the time, and men NEVER approach me in the States.

    There, I was a commodity — here, I am not. I think the US and the UK have slightly different beauty standards as well, and I just happen to fit the UK standards more than I do the US, because I was hit on a lot more even if they had no idea I was American. It’s a bummer, but it is what it is.

  17. Maybe foreign women value different things? I feel the values shared by a lot of western women are not conducive to marriage at this point. On the otherhand maybe they just want citizenship lol. I know some guys who went to SEA and got wives….

  18. In asia people just want to move to europe using you… i am an asian, trust me on this. They will jump at you for being white

  19. Even the ugliest white guys slay in Asia. Chad in Asia, lncel in the West.

  20. I am American woman and I get the same thing when I go abroad (generally) versus at home. Especially when I am in Italy but I finally think I found out why. At least part of the reason anyway. That being said, I have also personally seen American girls going gaga over a British guy just because of his accent (he was not very good looking at all), so if you can put up with all of the other crap here, you might consider this side of the pond. Not saying everyone loves the accent but a lot of people do.

  21. It’s called JBW, I am brown and they would be disgusted by me in East Asia (the same as the west)

  22. It’s related to you being a Caucasian in an Asian country.

    The other side of that is that there are a lot of Asian girls who fit the Western idea of attractive women, so you going there and getting attention from these women makes you feel like a lot of attractive women are interested in you.

    Compare that to some Asian countries where the adults or even the guy may say he wants a lady who is a little bit bigger or thicker boned, because that’s their standard of beauty.

  23. You come from a first world country, you have pound sterling (rich money basically), you’re white, probably taller and slimer than 90% of the men on the east and can offer to move to England to any girl you choose to start a relationship with.
    Back at the UK you’re just an average guy (maybe even below average) so it’s obvious what’s going on

  24. Reminds me of a story when I went to a travelers networking event and an American guy from Virginia asked me to grab coffee on a weekend in Asia. I have been living in the US for YEARS and he had the audacity to try to kiss me after talking for 1 hour, thinking I’d swoon for him. Dude wtf.

  25. As an Asian woman growing up in the west, I’ll tell you it’s literally nothing more than those within our countries digging you for simply being white.

  26. Asking for a friend: Does this also work for men in Asia? Will they be exotic when they go West ..or do they also need to keep going East until they hit.. Rhode Island?

  27. Considering most people in Asia consider white skin something desirable in their ideal partners it makes sense

  28. You should just go for it. Go to Asia, find a smart and attractive lady who is attracted to you, and just go for it. You’ll be happy!

  29. Same happens to me as a girl from Latin America… I get about 8 times more matches abroad than in my country (not joking I kept track). Must be because of the “exotic” factor.

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