What’s the world’s most evil company and why?

  1. Kinda feel like it’s Disney just with all the stuff they’ve been able to get away with. Other companies at least issue apologies and things but I don’t think I’ve ever actually heard of Disney formally apologizing for any of their mistakes or lawsuits. Huge cooperation that just keeps getting bigger.

  2. Disney. The fact that they’re geared towards children and family entertainment just makes their behavior that much worse. Disney doesn’t apologize for anything and they’re constantly throwing lawsuits at everyone and everything. Plus they buy almost anything that makes money.

    Basically, fuck the mouse.

  3. Fox News Media.

    The why: sowing fear and hate just to make a buck. Pretty much the definition of an evil corporation.

  4. The combined meat, dairy, and egg industries. Tyson is one of the worst in that group, but they’re all terrible.

    Ruthless cruelty to and exploitation of other animals, alongside agregious treatment of workers. Plus antibiotic over use, the growth and spread of zoonotic disease, and wanton environmental pollution. That these industries still exist and have so much power is sickening and a poor reflection on the human race.

  5. Monsanto

    Edit: realized this said why but essentially responsible for introducing additives to our food that are known to be harmful but do it for profit…
    In addition to seeking to eradicate small farms who may take even the smallest amount of business away or forcing them to comply with their unethical business practices of using genetically engineered seeds

  6. Nestle. There’s even a subreddit devoted to how completely awful they are. From deforestation to talking mothers into using formula instead of breastfeeding to privatizing water supplies, they’re just pure evil.

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