A little observation rant, if you don’t mind.

The most precious commodity in the dating game isn’t your OLD profile, how many matches you get, your social media followers you acquire, how many phone numbers you can get, or the notches on your bedpost.

It’s time.

The most valuable thing you can give to anyone is your time, just as much the valuable thing another can give to you is their time.

That’s why ghosting, the fade-out, being busy or giving someone else a polite brush-off communicates this unspoken message “You are not valuable enough to give you my time.” Anyone who intentionally chooses to make themselves unavailable to you, who doesn’t want to give you their valuable time, providing you with undivided attention to get to know you, they are doing you a favor. Your time is better invested with someone who values your time as much as you value theirs.

My new philosophy on my journey through dating isn’t just “I haven’t found the right person” or “I haven’t had the right connection”. It seems to be that it’s more like “I haven’t found the right kind of person who wants to invest the necessary time and resources into working with me to build a relationship from the right kind of connection.”

I seem to be on the downside right now, experiencing more misses than hits. I’d have much better luck with Battleship than Blackjack. That’s okay, I guess. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, right?

Just putting this out there for anyone that might relate.

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