It all seemed to balloon up out of nowhere some years ago but 15+ years ago getting a Chinese salt and pepper item never crossed my mind as even a possibility. But now everything can be this way and is on the popular end of Chinese orders

  1. I came from a rural area with very little range of choice and had never eaten Chinese food until I got to university. My first order was salt and pepper chicken wings. This was more than 20 years ago.

  2. They used to do Salt & Pepper wings years ago by me but it was the only item under that flavouring. It’s on everything now, although I can say the only time I tried S&P chips was they were done using fried frozen chips rather than freshly made and tasted shite. I’ve been told not to judge them based off that experience, but I’ve not got around to ordering any since as don’t go the chippy much

  3. Salt & Pepper crispy beef, and Salt & Pepper ribs have been a staple in these parts for as long as I can remember (I’m approaching 50)

    I first had S&P chips about it ten years ago – cos I ordered beef and the woman in the takeaway is useless (still there too – owner’s sister-in-law!). On this occasion it worked in my favour and I’ve had them many times since!

  4. I’m all about the salt & chilli.

    Had salt & chilli wings back in 92 and kept going back to that one Chinese restaurant for it, as they were they only one I knew that served in in Edinburgh.

    Now, every Chinese has a version of it. None are as good as the original, but it’s still good.

  5. Now you mention it, I think they started appearing as an option maybe 20 years ago. Where we live, they’re often listed on a hand-written menu under the main plastic menu boards that sit underneath the ceilings, I suppose this is because those boards are often quite old, and so didn’t have the salt and pepper items printed on them.

    (I started making my own salt and pepper chips a few years ago – it’s really easy – just make chips ((oven chips would be fine but I usually push the boat out and cut my own, pre-boil, then cook in the oven)), then gently fry finely chopped onion, garlic, peppers, salt and black pepper, chilli and sugar. Toss the chips in the pan and serve!)

  6. Well over 15 years ago (20 maybe 25 years ago). I don’t buy them now because there are far nicer dishes on a Chinese menu than salt and pepper but also, I can put salt and pepper on anything I make at home.

  7. 18th of September, 1998. Good days! I walked in to that Chinese takeaway and nothing was ever the same again. I often wonder what life would have been like had I not ordered salt and pepper chicken.

  8. I worked in a Chinese takeaway for 3 years (1996-1999)

    Salt and chilli prawns and ribs were a thing then.

    I asked if they could do the same with the battered chicken used for lemon/HK sweet and sour (chicken pieces in egg and cornflour batter – bit like breadcrumbs when cooked).

    On the menu within a week. They NEVER considered it to be a dish.

    I think I invented this as it was in the other takeaways after this but never before.

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