what is something you regret not realizing earlier in life?

  1. Most of people’s opionions about me are worthless and I really don’t have to sit and listen even though they “mean well”. If I say I’m not comfortable with this please stop and they don’t then this isn’t advice.

  2. That animals have their own lives that are meaningful to them. They are not here for us and our general treatment of them is a disgrace.

  3. what other people think of me means nothing and it should never influence how I act or think, staying true to yourself and not letting others with their opinions change you is essential in your life

  4. I’m only 20 now, but I wish I had known that people come and go regardless of how I act or who I am. You really can’t stop something from spoiling and that’s something I’m still learning now.

  5. Most people have no idea what they’re doing half the time. Some try their best, and others squeak by, but it’s mostly a big game of fake it til you make it.

    It’s like when you’re a kid and most adults seem so competent and they’re supposed to have all of the answers. Then you become an adult and realize how much trial-and-error and making shit up happens in the course of a day.

  6. People change their career paths all the time. What you decide to work in or study when young isn’t necessarily a lifetime commitment

  7. It’s so much easier to maintain, rather than overhaul. This applies to laundry or abs or anything. Get in a groove and keep it. Otherwise you chase your own tail.

  8. Vitamins are a beautiful thing. I could have been healthier back then if I had just taken better care of what I ate.

  9. Realizing that having debt is NOT normal. I spent 20 years thinking everyone had a car loan, a mortgage, student loans, credit cards. Climbing out of all that was brutal. I envy the younguns now that have no debt. Their future is powerful.

  10. You can out water in the Speghetti and Meatballs. So so many scorched pans and burnt pasta.

  11. I’m NOT obligated to keep ANYONE in my life if I don’t want to. Period. Including family.

    Being rude to rude/creepy people who aren’t respecting my boundaries is not bad. They will live.

    Breaking up with an SO doesn’t have to be a “thing”, it can just end because it ended, it doesn’t have to be a whole story.

  12. How toxic my dad is. Like, I knew he was toxic… but after he called my partner fat right to his face while me and our son were there, I knew I was done.

  13. that nobody is born with absolutely flat stomach and it’s like this to protect your organs

  14. It is that how strong, confident and fearless I can appear (and get) just by pretending to be that. Fake it till you make it.

  15. Don’t sweat the neurotypicals and don’t dull your shine to please them.

  16. That low self esteem can let you make horrible choices that have a lasting impact on your life and happiness.

  17. That my parents are literally never going to change. I can learn all the psych techniques to engage with them easier, I can try to be empathetic to their situation or their upbringing, but at the end of the day they will always be childish, selfish people with no empathy.

    I blocked them on everything two days ago. I feel like I’ve put a glass wall between us and I feel like I can actually relax a little and breathe knowing I’m not going to be asked to come over and be deadnamed/misgendered for five hours. I don’t have to perform anymore. I don’t have to hold my tongue when they say heinous shit to me to “keep the peace”. I’ve never been a peace keeper and I never will be.

  18. The average person is not a “good” person. Not to go out of my way to be nice to everyone I meet. Being polite is enough because eventually people show their true colors and more often than not you’ll be disappointed.

  19. there’s no reason in hating myself I’m all I’ve got I’m stuck with me for the rest of my life anyone else can abandon me I’m the only one that has no choice but to stay with myself

  20. Boundaries are healthy, I wish I’d know how to stand my ground. I was a carpet for a long time.

  21. Cooking and making coffee at home really is healthier and helps you save a ton of money. I used to hate being told this when I was younger (I’m making good money! Let me live my life!) because the people who said it would always come across so smug, but damn it they were right.

  22. It’s fine to be an introvert. No need to feel bad for being the first to leave at a gathering.

    It’s okay to make mistakes.

    It’s not love if you’re the only one trying. True love flows freely and feels peaceful.

  23. Metamucil is my friend. I had chronic constipation since I was a kid (despite water and fiber trust me I tried) now I rarely have a problem

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