I’m often told by my female friends that I have a good personality. I’m funny, caring, respectful and know what I want. But I’m a 25 YO guy who has never dated because I’m never given a chance based on my looks alone. How do I compensate for my average looks?

  1. You need a gimmick. I’ve seen men use cars, music, sports, and other things to attract women. Once you hook them let your good personality shine.

  2. idk maybe just say screw it and ask women out. do you read minds because it sounds like you can???

  3. I picked up shibari a few years ago, like going to classes/workshops/munches as well as advertising on my OLD apps.

    Compared to before it was an absolute game changer.

  4. Your female friends are a valuable resource. Use it. Ask them to help you out. Maybe one of them knows someone, or would be willing to act as your wingwoman. Heck, maybe one of them would want to date you. Just don’t go around asking them out – just let them know that you’re looking, and ask for their help.

  5. You stop using online dating, since looks are the major selling point there and the competition is brutal. With 4 men for every 1 women, women can and will pick only the 25% of the hottest guys. Also, you might think that people are either hot or have good personality, but you are wrong. Those hot guys have about the same chance for good personality as the average guys. So women don’t have to make a tradeoff between hot and personality, they can have both in a 4:1 supply:demand market.

  6. You can improve your looks my friend, you’d be surprised how much is self care. Get a trim that suits you, dress well, moisturise, get your eyebrows shaped, put on muscle etc. Realistically you don’t have to look amazing, just get up to average and you should get a chance to show off your personality. If you look average and still have issues then it’s not your looks. Good luck!

  7. Is plastic surgery an option?

    I’m close to biting the bullet myself. These days ‘average’ doesn’t cut it for guys.

  8. I’m gonna go on a limb because I get judged by being deaf in the dating world but let me tell you this, confidence is key. You have to be confident and you have to demonstrate your confidence without coming off as an asshole

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