I have noticed at work (work specifically) that anytime I have to talk – ANYTIMEEEE – I turn bright red. It’s infuriating because it’s not like I’m giving a long speech, sometimes I’ll legit say one sentence 🙄🙄🙄 I work fully remote too… so I’m not even seeing these people in real life so idk why I am sooo worked up it’s wild. And I don’t mean my cheeks flush with a little color, oh no, my chest is completely covered with red patches, my neck is the color of a fire hydrant, and my cheeks too. It’s like a crimson wave just washed over my entire upper body. I am 28 years old!! This is so ridiculous. When I begin to speak up, I’m not even nervous? But then as SOON as the words begin spilling out I go red. It’s awful.

I have been told by bosses that I need to speak up more, but as soon as the spotlight hits me, it’s like mental gears in my brain need to be greased because the engine won’t start. Sometimes it feels like I’m in a spell and even my mouth movements get restricted. It’s pretty unfortunate because in every other circumstance in my life (friends, family, social events) this doesn’t happen. I try to imagine my coworkers as people I’d interact with in real life but it doesn’t help. Breathing tactics, doesn’t help. Anyone else? 😩

1 comment
  1. I have something similar. I’ve found it best to just own it if you can. Yes I’m red. If anyone talks about it it says something about them not you. I also feel self conscious of my body in the office but again just owning it and letting it all hang out actually feels better than trying to hide it. I figure at least I made this choice

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