Let’s use a broad definition of young, under 40yo. How common would you say is to practise a sport or do any kind of regular physical activity? I’m obviously also including about non-competitive activities.

  1. Extremely common. I think literally everyone I know under 50 go to the gym at least a couple of times a week and around a third also do some kind of competitive sport.

    I’ve always been a contrarian.

  2. Unfortunately uncommon. PE classes are basically non-existent in most (public) schools, and kids have an immense pressure to study for university entrance exams etc so they barely get to do anything else. The infrastructure is also lacking (most big cities have no parks etc to run, for example, and swimming pools are scarce). Also, most parents don’t exercise, so kids don’t have good role models.

    I am speaking for Turkey.

  3. Sooooo so so common (Sweden). Growing up there were always kids in my school who played hockey (so much hockey), football, figure skating, floorball (?), gymnastics, equestrianism, swimming and much more. Running is very common and obviously long distance skiing (or skiing in general).
    I’d say it’s very common, however, it’s the type of situation where you’re either all in for your activity and very dedicated to it **or**, you dislike it. Like… almost hate it.

  4. Not very common unfortunately.

    Only around 65% of people under 40 participate in a sport once a week. Especially in lower income groups it is even less common (like 40%), hence the very high rates of obesity in our country.

  5. Unfortunately, I did not find any statistics on all under 40, only from 18 to 29.

    Here, 54% of respondents say they do at least 2.5 hours of endurance exercise per week, and 40% say they do muscle strengthening exercises at least twice a week. Both endurance and muscle exercise are done by 32 % of the respondents.

    For those aged 30 to 44, the figure is only 23 %. In general, people do significantly more endurance sports than strength sports. The most popular sports activities are running, cycling, hiking and swimming.

  6. We have physical education at most levels from kita until uni but comapared to some countries I think our schools are more academic. Children join sports clubs and compete in athletics but that is more outside school than inside.

    People in the nordic countries seem to have more in-school physical education than ours have.

  7. Well from my observations late 20’s/early 30’s is the time when a lot of men start growing belly lol.

    Anyway generally boys tend to be a lot more active during kid/teen years. I still remember during my elementary school days(age 6-15) all the girls besides one had paper from doctor, that they can’t exercise.

    Even amongst current teens you will barely find anyone overweight.

    When I was kid almost everyone knew how to ride a bike and most kids also knew how to swim. I think bike riding is a lot less common among kids nowadays.

    During my high school days(age 15-19) I was going to mostly boys school(900 boys and only 60 girls) and barely anyone was overweight, if they were than only slightly.

    During my University days(age 19-24) a lot of women were doing yoga or zumba.

    I recently heard(from some sort of study) that kids under 15 and starting to get fat though.

  8. it’s pretty common for people to play football, can’t really think of anything else to be honest

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