Why do people feel trapped in a relationship even though they know it’s bad for them?

  1. Because it’s hard to find some one loyal that will stay thanks to feminism

  2. Sometimes it’s harder to break up then just stay together. Also money. Unsure if it’s really that bad or it’s just in your head

  3. Your lives become intertwined. You might be living together, have lots of the same friend, raising children, owning mutual property…

  4. Because they probably fear leaving their SO. Id guess finances or kids would be the 2nd reason

  5. Because for many, the one thing worse than being in a toxic relationship is being alone. People are often afraid that if they end a relationship they won’t find anyone else, so they stick it out.

  6. For me it was for the feelings I still had left for the person, and constantly telling myself things would get back to how they used to be.

  7. You get lazy, also that “bad” relationship really isn’t all that bad unless it hits a breaking point (cheating, physical abuse, stealing).

    Also the standards are different for men and women. A guy might think another dude is a selfish ass and go “I wouldn’t put up with that” but women will see a guy who is dominant/confident and overlook his assholish behaviors.

  8. Lots of reasons. Money, family pressure, having kids together or even animals, being married and not having “grounds” for a divorce, being afraid of what the partner might do if they’re already abusive, being gaslit and love bombed so the person isn’t sure if the relationship is good or bad, the relationship seeming better than the alternative for any reason. There are probably just as many reasons someone could think to stay as they could think to leave

  9. Depends on the situation. If you had to choose either being homeless or in a toxic relationship most would choose to keep a roof over their head.

  10. Why do people do anything knowing it is bad for them? People do it all the time whether it’s poor diet, not getting exercise, working a job that makes them miserable, not getting enough sleep, etc etc. Sometimes “toxic” things have short term fun associated with them. Or doing the right thing is just a lot of work.

    So many problems would just evaporate if people just did what they knew to be the best, healthiest thing. THis is hardly isolated to relationships.

  11. Ever stay on the phone with someone longer than you wanted to because you felt like it was rude to hang up…. And you usually have social permission from the other person before you do?

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