M26 never been loved. Don’t care for causal encounters (though having a line up of offers would be nice)

Wasn’t interested in dating till I was 20 or so. Complex reasons

Had some options in undergrad and law school but due to bad luck they all failed. Either I was not in a position to enter into a relationship, I was pining for someone else, I didn’t feel for them back, they didn’t meet my standards, or just bad timing none of them worked. Met my dream girl in undergrad, everything I ever wanted, I felt she was the one, the one I was meant to be with. But she didn’t feel the same.

Then COVID hit, it all went online making meeting impossible. I then found work in a new city, and am searching but meeting people is super hard when school is over and apps don’t work for like 90% of guys. It explains why most coupled people I know met their partner in school and the guys who didn’t are screwed and single at 30+.

So I remain a M26 KV.

I have an educational background in accounting and law, and work in the tax industry. I know boring but I genuinely enjoy what I do. I love outdoor activities such as hiking, exploring, and cycling; as well as skiing and skating. I enjoy reading and discussing politics and public affairs. I love to bake and try new recepies and can do basic stitching and crochet. I also have a strong affinity for kids and I am really good with them, having experience as a beloved babysitter.

Looks wise I would say that I am pretty average. Not particularly attractive, not particularly unattractive either.

Like everyone, I am looking for a partner I can connect to and who I can have a good vibe with. Someone whom I can be happy being with and someone who impresses me and whom I feel would make an excellent life partner and co-parent.

As to my standards I want someone who is an educated professional herself or a student aspiring to be one, age 20-26 (flexible), and has not slept around.

  1. One thing I have noticed, is the more you go looking for it, the harder it gets to find.

    I know how easy it is to get impatient as you get older and I know there’s so much external pressure going on, like friends getting married, kids, social media, etc…

    But seriously, you will find love on a fun run, or a ski trip, or a baking class. Like it will just happen when you are not looking. All throughout my teens I was looking for my high school sweetheart. Was pretty much from 13-19, and I had no luck. Never interested in the girls that liked me and the girls I was interested in never wanted me back. Until I accepted I am just not boyfriend material. As soon as I accepted that harsh reality, I met my first love like a month after i gave up trying to find a girlfriend (which turned into a heartbreak but that’s a story for another time). My point is, the girl that is right for you/love will only come when you stop actively looking for it. Just think of it as you’re emotionally available, but not looking. Because chances are the girl for you is also not looking, she’ll also be just available. And you guys will cross paths and you’ll just know if it’s meant to be.

    That’s my opinion at least and I hope it’s helpful?

  2. Im not sure what constitutes as “sleeping around” for you, but how would you even know that? Also, asking or stating that will have most women turned off. Adults have sex. Many adults now have had a lot of partners too as relationships are not as prevalent as they once were in younger people. As long as someone is testing regularly, then worrying about that is slightly ridiculous in my opinion. I also noticed you want someone up to 6 years younger than you, but not a year older. Maybe its time to take stock of what you bring to a relationship, & whats really important in a life partner.

  3. Also op, instead of hoping for the perfect life partner you created in your mind right off the bat, maybe you should just lower your expectations of what you think is necessary and just enjoy conversing with women, regardless of status and see if it leads to dating or something more.

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