I’m 19(M) and whenever i talk to people above 25 i dont know what to talk about. I cant relate to them on anything and find it hard to get to know them and befriend them. Does anyone know what i mean and anyone know how to make it easier?

  1. If you want older people at work to like you be quiet and work hard. If one of them seems like they want to talk, pay attention, listen and be polite.

  2. That’s really interesting. I’m 30 and work with a 19 yr old and I get along with him great. Actually we have another coworker how is 37 and him and the 19 yr old are like best buds.
    It’s not an age difference, it’s a personality difference.
    Just pretend everyone is the same age and treat everyone the same.
    We all feel like we’re 19 on the inside

  3. I’m 40 and honestly I often prefer talking to my younger coworkers. They’re so much more exciting and less stuffy. I’m starting to feel old and want to hear about their more carefree lifestyle lol Just be you. You might be surprised by how well taken just being yourself could be. I don’t wanna talk to these other old people 😉👍

  4. Just try to relate on a human level with things. You’re at work, so either commiserate, or discuss the love you both share for your work. Plant the seed of conversation and that will spout a tree with many different branches.

  5. I felt that way when I was 19, I grew out of that phase by 20-21 and now get along great with older people, more so than people my own age. The life experience I’ve had has helped me to relate with them, resulting in mature “intellectual” conversation.

  6. I think it’s just because it’s harder to relate to people that are older than u because they’re at different stages in their life. I’m also 19 and I have a hard time talking to my cousin who’s like twice my age

  7. Family is usually my go to, whatever age, they either have family or not. Or ask where do they live and see if you have things in common there. Ask where they grew up.

  8. I’m 40 an still feel like I’m a kid. Talk about whatever. Just cause we’re older don’t mean we cant have things in common. Fishing, motorcycles, cars, boats ….. Men are Men no matter the age

  9. Older coworker usually are very inclined to talk about things that are deeper such as finance, life, politics and general worldly discussions. Just be honest and open to learning and old people will usually open right up. Not like young people who are usually picky about who they interact with in an attempt maintain certain self image. Old dgaf really lol.

  10. Face your fears and genuinely connect with them in real life e.g. ask how they are, their work projects, their hobbies, interests goals, opinions, etc. Listen and pay attention to what they say. Share those things about yourself when asked. People also subconsciously attach you to the value you bring. The value you bring is a clear, unique, and convincing reason why people will interact with you, let alone do so constantly. So Find ways to add value to their lives. Having In person interactions is the easiest way to stand out from countless people who text or message. People remember and favor in person interactions because of the positive vibes. If your hobbies, skills, talents align with their interests or can help them, bring it up and offer to help them. Finally, learn how to be genuinely busy in your life pursuing your goals and hobbies, while interacting with people on the side. People are hardwired to be repulsed by neediness and desperation and instead gravitate towards those who are self confident and well rounded in life. They want to see active confirmation of you actually doing something in your life other than just talking to them. So chase excellence, not people.

  11. So those over 30 really don’t care about befriending younger people.

    Key thing being 38 and constantly around older veterans is to listen to the conversation they are having and offer a piece of information pertaining to the conversation they are having. In a respectable way of course.

  12. It’s awesome that you even asked this question! Most people enjoy their children and are happy to chat about them. Also, while they speak of their children, listen closely because you probably have more in common than you think. We’re all really the same regardless of age.

  13. Loud and slow.

    J/k. Just talk to them like you’re both adults, and listen like you actually care about whatever they’re sharing. That holds true whether it’s about work or talking about interests or sharing stuff about your life.

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