I find it so hard bc conversations just die down and most of them sound really dry. Don’t mean to toot my own horn but I’m a young and attractive woman. I get many matches and am able to keep the conversation going but they just seem to stop responding? I double text sometimes but completely stop after I don’t get a response once. It could also be bc I’m really picky but dating women is so hard! Advise please!

  1. Don’t get trapped into a six week texting “relationship” with someone you’ve not even met (and perhaps never will for too many reasons to list here). Push HARD for an early quick coffee/pastry/icecream/soda meetup so you can see if there’s even any chemistry between you two.

    If no chemistry in person, you’ve dodged a bullet and saved an enormous amount of time and hassle. If there is, you’ve given yourself motivation to stick with the texting to learn lots about each other.

    And just maybe, if things are really hot going, that coffee date can be extended into a full fledged First Date right on the spot (and, avoid the typical ‘first date jitters’).

  2. How soon are you meeting once the texting starts? Some people have issues with texting long periods before a meet up. Not to suggest you rush it. It’s best to get a vibe first but the topic of how soon to meet come up on occasion.

  3. Honestly, I generally ask them to meet for coffee 5 messages in. Never saw the point in texting for two weeks and then meeting; I’d rather just save us both some time. xD plus; a pattern I’ve noticed is that conventionally attractive women tend to be dry-ass texters, and are much more engaging in person.

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