i moved to texas in middle school & started playing football because my friends were and i’ve been playing since but now i’m in high school about to start on varsity next year at a 6A high school that’s known for football but i want to play basketball i tried talking to my uncle about it and at first it seemed like he understood but it seems like he’s still trying to push football on to me an i tried explaining that i’m passionate about basketball and want to start training he jus blew it off and started telling me how i’m going to the ohio state football camp this summer.
i really don’t want to and now i’m in ohio not enjoying my summer at all i wanted to work on basketball every day in the summer now it’s hard i’ve still been trying but i haven’t been able to get on a actual court i jus have a basketball

  1. had a similar situation with another sport. just tell them and they have to be ok with it. when i did it, my whole team, family etc asked and question the decision. you dont have to justify, just say that it is what it is

  2. Don’t let your uncle live his life through you. It’s YOUR life. Focus on what you want to do with it. Sure, it’s good to want to make our family happy but it’s also important that your family know YOU’RE happy. If football doesn’t make you happy and basketball does then just play basketball.

    I was in a similar situation to this. I loved baseball but my dad forced me to play basketball and football too. He would put up a fuss anytime I said I wanted to quit and it hurt our relationship in the end.

  3. Fake a concussion and then explain that you’re concerned about your mental health but want to stay active and basketball is a better choice. Tough in Texas but you can do it!

  4. Easy. Tell them you’re not doing it. Dont get on the bus, dont get in the car, dont put the pads on, dont go onto the field, and when the coach asks what the problem is, explain that you’re there against your will and you have no interest in participating.

  5. uncle, so NOT your parents.

    He really has no say in anything.

    Unless you’re not telling us something.

  6. Dude ok so first of all you gotta do whatever makes you happy and secondly your uncle isn’t your parent and he doesn’t have the right to tell you what to do and he can’t just send you away to some football camp just because he wants to. And as far as your coaches goes, just be straight up with them and tell them that you appreciate the opportunity but that you’d rather play basketball and I’m sure they’ll understand. And if you can’t make your uncle understand than I think that you should probably go back home.

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