He recently found out that I was in a relationship with him for over a year (two years before I meet my bf), he left me but I lied to him because I know he won’t like it.
How can I fix things up?
I tried talking to him multiple time and he said it’s not about me being his ex it’s me lying to him

  1. You can’t. You’re a liar. Trust is broken. It’s done. Be a better person.

  2. Shouldn’t have lied. Sometimes it’s best to be honest even if the truth hurts. Actions have consequences, face yours.

  3. Once trust is broken, there’s not much you CAN do. You lied. On purpose.

  4. You can’t fix it. You lied to save his feelings and it backfired. Next time say nothing at all (“I don’t talk about the past”) or be honest.

  5. You really can’t. You made your choice when you decided to lie. How he responds to your dishonesty isn’t your choice. It’s his.

  6. Face the consequences of your lie. You apologize. You explain yourself. You ask for forgiveness and ask for another chance. If he says no, then you accept the fact that you blew it and you move on.

  7. Look at it like this.

    If he can’t trust you with simple honesty then how can he trust you with his heart.

  8. Yeah you broke trust and that’s hard as hell to earn back. Be honest going forward.

  9. Lying is a relationship killer. From his perspective, can *you* think of a reason he should trust you anymore? Lying because you know he won’t like the truth? He *still* doesn’t like the truth, and now you’re untrustworthy in his mind on top of it.

  10. “I’m sorry I lied to you. I was afraid of what you might think. I realize what I did was wrong and that you no longer trust me. I respect your decision to not talk to me/date me anymore.” Then stop texting. Full stop. Go and live your life.

  11. Well you lied so it is what it is. There isn’t much advice besides waiting for what he has to say. I don’t understand why you’d think lying would be the better option in the first place.

  12. Trust is one of those fundamental parts of any healthy relationship.


    You broke his trust when you lied to him about being in a relationship with this other person. He now knows that he can’t trust you to be honest with him even if such honesty would be to your disadvantage.


    My first bit of advice is to stop lying to your bf.


    The second bit of advice would be to try to focus on being the best gf possible because right now your relationship with him is on life support due to your lie and it might not survive unless you dedicate yourself to being the best and most trustworthy partner to him.

  13. I think you need to let this one go. I do not believe that our partners need every little detail from our past, but flat out lying about having a one year relationship with someone he knows (and hates) I mean that is pretty bad. If you simply didn’t mention it and did not realize they knew eachother, that is one thing as it was an innocent mistake, but if you knew that they knew eachother and knew your BF hated him and were flat out asked and lied… I do not think there could be any coming back from that. People can sometimes get past this sort of thing but the ball is in your ex’s court…. let him take some time to cool off and maybe he will decide to forgive you and give it another shot and maybe he will not, but I think at this point you need to let it go unfortunately.

  14. You cant fix this. If your lie about anything in a relationship you break the trust.

  15. Yeah sorry, it’s over.

    You lied. Trust was broken. You can’t fix it.
    He’s forever going to remember that when push came to shove you couldn’t trust him to handle that information and chose to keep it from him.

    Next time, be honest. Yeah the information might be upsetting and yeah the person might need a bit of time to come to terms with it but in the LONG run honesty is better than being lied to.

  16. If you’ve apologized and doesn’t want you back then there’s nothing to do. You lied. These are the consequences. Do better with the next guy.

  17. You obviously don’t realize how very important being honest is. If or when you ever realize how important honesty is, let him know that you will never lie again only if you truly mean that. Without honesty you cant have trust, and you don’t have a real relationship.

  18. The more you try to push your side of things on him and force a reconciliation, the more he’s going to resist you. You got into this situation because you put your desires before doing the right thing, don’t make the same mistake a second time.

  19. Be more truthful going forward. Most times a sucky truth is better than a lie, and now you’ve seen that first hand. This is a sign that you can be a better and more honest person going forward. ❤️

  20. Well yeah. If I found out my boyfriend lied about a past relationship, I’d dump him too. Can’t trust someone who lies to you.
    Next relationship, don’t lie.

  21. Just coming in to say you’re a douche for lying. You could’ve been honest and, most likely, made it through the little bump in the road.

    You made a mistake. Acknowledge it, prevent it in the future, and move on.

  22. yeah its a wrap, if it was a one night stand maybe eh but a full relationship? he will never trust you again

  23. He doesn’t owe you trust or forgiveness. You lied, you got caught, and the trust is broken now. It sounds like you already tried talking about it and got your answer. It’s time to move on and learn from your mistake.

  24. You fucked up big time bud. Only thing you can do is hope that he won’t dump your ass and you show him that you can be trustworthy going forward.

    Ps: very hard to show and will take a while. Don’t be surprised.

    Ps#2: That’s IF he doesn’t dip. If that happens leave him be pls thanks

  25. You can’t. Leave him alone, you fucked up and ruined things because of your lies. Be a better partner in future relationships

  26. “He said it’s not about me being his ex it’s me lying to him.”

    Boom. You said it. You can’t fix this. You have severed the trust in your relationship and it’s up to him to decide if he wants to continue or to end the relationship. Trust is a very fragile thing, once it’s broken it can never be the same again. Even if the two parties put the work to repair that trust, the cracks are still there. Take this as a lesson OP, never lie to your partner, nothing will be the same again after if you do.

  27. What’s that wonderful phrase?

    Fuck around and find out.

    Well, you fucked around. And now you’re finding out.

  28. You slept with the man’s opp and lied about it lmao. Of course he don’t trust you. Should’ve been honest with it in the first place. He will probably get over it but will always know you lied about sleeping wit his arch nemesis. That’s like Spider-Man girl sleeping with The Green Goblin.

  29. It IS about you lying to him. If he’s mature and wanted the relationship to work out, he would have pushed through that fact. But since you lied he’s not going to trust you. And losing trust in a relationship is extremely difficult to recover.

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