I have had a crush on a coworker for about a year. He’s had a girlfriend while i’ve known him but i found out recently that they broke up 2-3 months ago. Today was my last day of work and I’ll be leaving in about a week to travel around Europe for about 2 months. Is it worth it to ask him to go on a date before I leave, or should I just wait till I get back?

I’m worried if I ask him now he
1. won’t see the point since i’m leaving so soon
2. needs more time to be single after his breakup

but i’m worried if i DONT ask him now
1. he’ll find someone else over the summer
2. won’t be interested anymore (i’m not even sure if he is interested but when i flirt with him he’ll reciprocate)

is it worth him to ask now or should i risk it and wait until i get back from europe??

  1. Either method can work, but there’s that saying of strike while it’s hot

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