And when that is implied, how exactly do you take it?

  1. Tbh I’ve never known what “she’s not like other girls” even means.
    Could you eleborate on what it means?

  2. When I hear that I instantly think this chick is basic as shit, and she’s like every other girl.

  3. It makes me think she might be a little insecure? I don’t know any other reason why someone would say that. It’s like announcing to someone that, “you’re a good person.” It might be true but that’s for other people to determine based on your actions haha.

  4. Any girl who “isn’t like other girls” is exactly like other girls and most of the time worse.

    Red flag for sure.

  5. No it’s one of the most off putting phrases a woman can use.

    It says she is quick to put other women down just to make herself look better. Superiority complex…

    It says she wants to be seen as unique without really having anything unique about her. Uninteresting…

    Tries too hard and usually acts fake as hell

  6. It’s never a good sign if a guy or girl feels the need to declare they’re “not like the others”. It’s such a clear cry for attention/approval.

  7. It really depends, if a girl just comes out and says it I would wonder what she has to prove?

    TBH unless the guy is a complete idiot he should be able to tell you are different and special and someone who should have effort and time invested in.

  8. I’m generally skeptical about it and there’s nothing appealing about it. To me, she’s trying to imply that she’s special and different. So I’ll just wait and see if that’s true

  9. A girl saying “I’m not like the other girls” is on par with a guy saying “Give me a chance, I’m a nice guy”.

  10. No. Usually it’s some sort of internalized misogyny that most women grow out of in high school

  11. Saying “I’m not like other girls” is a sign of low self-awareness and immaturity, which is ironically why she is like other girls.

  12. You know, lots of times we like “other girls”. Don’t tell me what makes you different, tell me what’s great about you.

  13. No, what’s appealing is when a girl tries to show me that she likes me. At that point, she’s already not like other girls.

  14. nope, there is a huge difference between being comfortable with yourself than “trying to be different”.

  15. it means her literally only personality trope is going out of her way to not appear to follow basic personality tropes. a desperate need to seem quirky or unique or special.

  16. If a girl says “she’s not like other girls” it means she’s exactly like any other basic girl. A girl that’s not like other girls will show you that instead of telling you that. She’s the type to give “pick me” vibes

  17. Its lazy. Rather than saying what they bring to a relationship, they want you to do the work.

  18. No. It’s not appealing in any way whatsoever ever.

    Be yourself. Your actions will show just how you are.

  19. It’s a red flag, a big one. Typically when people say,

    “I’m not like X.” “I don’t do Y.” X and Y are huge factors in their life.

    This is a major turn off for a lot of men.

  20. If she feels the need to say that she is probably like other girls: instinctually constrained creatures lying about how exceptional you are to seek social validation from other humans.

  21. It is appealing if her actions show it. It is one of those “show don’t tell” kind of moments. If her selling point is saying “I am not like most girls” advertising it in the bio it will cause my brain to wonder how big of a red flag.

    I.e if she is not like most maybe she is a sport fanatic or a gamer and she shows it through action then that is fine.

  22. Yea, that’s what they all say. It demonstrates that she IS like all the others.

  23. Typically not. It has the subtext that she’s superior to other girls. It’s like a guy who goes around talking about how nice he is, with the implication being that other guys are dicks and only he knows how to treat a woman well. It’s also ironic because guys who have to brag about how nice they are usually aren’t.

    One way I’ve seen this that hasn’t been derogatory to other women is when “country” women use it. These girls are the type who grow up in rural areas and prefer country-type things. Lots of outdoorsy and down-to-earth things (hiking, boating/fishing, camping, hunting, etc), and more often than not they like mixed company over cliques of just women. Her favorite memories might be hunting with her dad as much as being taught to braid hair with her mom.

    When I’ve seen country girls describe themselves such it’s more to explain differences than to put down women who are not them.

  24. Not in the fucking slightest. The only time I’ve ever seen those kinds of quotes on a profile is on the profiles of people who can’t follow through on the statement.

    “I’m not like other girls because I read books! But I also like to travel, love food and love animals!”

    “So you’re exactly like every other girl on here.”

    Unless you do something wild like hunting, or work as a mechanic, or are a UFC fighter, you are basically like 60% of other girls. You can dye your hair rainbows, shave half your head, or wear men’s clothing all you want. But anyone who’s been out in public recently can tell you that it’s not as uncommon as people expect it to be.

  25. Interesting post. I didn’t know girls said this to guys. I’ve never said it. Kinda odd thing to say really.

  26. No it’s always annoying to meet a “pick me” and generally they aren’t respected and only used for fwb situations.

  27. Like other guys are suggesting… Never say that or try to relay that. That is exactly what “other girls” say. You put it in quotes for a reason.

    Just be you and let us notice. We will.

  28. It’s one of those things that if they call it out or proclaim it, it’s a turn off.

    Those are the things you find out that surprise you and make you take a second look at the person.

  29. Hmmm, it’d be unappealing.

    It’s appealing for her to be herself and for that to shine through and make the difference.

  30. Never say that you are x. Because, even if you are x, there’s a possibility that the other doesn’t believe that you are x and therefore take that as you lying. Then they won’t trust anything you say anymore.

    Example: Don’t say that you are reliable. Be reliable. If they don’t think that you are reliable and you say that you are, what will they think of you?

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