Me and my girlfriend have sex almost every time we hang out and I wish I wasn’t as horny as I am all the time. Is there any way to lower my sex drive?

  1. Your age has a lot to do with it. 10 years ago my sex drive was off the charts, but now I am 26 and my sex drive is more reasonable, I feel. It also matters what partner you’re with. Some guys I dated, all you could think of with him was sex, like you both were made for that – together. They usually felt the same way about me, so that’s literally all we did, every chance we got.

    I don’t feel like you want to try to take any medication to change it, maybe try hobbies to distract you? Just make sure you use some form of protection no matter what. Birth control if possible or condoms if that’s not an option. I am literally a condom mishap, which my Mom had when she was 16. Same reason tho… very high sex drive.

  2. You are lucky. Why do want to lower your sex drive? Does it impact other parts of your live?

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