Hey 🙂
I usually do dates in the evening after work, but it feels like the only option is to go out for a drink/dinner.
I’ve started a diet and would like to keep dating without compromising it, but also without having to explain on first date why I don’t want to drink alcohol or eat whatever. It would be nice when I am offered a night out for drinks to suggest a different activity instead, so do you have any advise for first dates apart from having a drink/dinner?
Many thanks!!

  1. The tried and true coffee date. Google coffee lounges in your area or just go to a Starbucks.

  2. This depends entirely on what’s available in your area.

    A tea shop? Maybe a restaurant still but a healthy one? Outdoor activity?

  3. I hear axe throwing is popular now. Paint night? Bowling? Bookstores? Yoga class? Coffee…

  4. I feel this is controversial but I always enjoy a walk. It has a definitive end and you can extend it if you want and go somewhere else. To make it more interesting I suggest we each bring each other something (a drink from Starbucks, or lately it’s been a snack off or craft beer off where we each bring our best little snack or beer and do an exchange and rate each other’s choices) and it helps break the ice and starts a conversation. Some people say walks are low effort but honestly I really enjoy them and I am not looking for any big crazy first date activities when I’ve never met the person before!

  5. Arcade bar! In my town they are $5 entrance (sometimes free), affordable drinks and sometimes with DJs 🙂

  6. Dinner dates are still fine. Just eat smart and don’t drink. If they ask, the meal is simple enough to explain as something you enjoy. Just say you’re not a big drinker (assuming that’s true).

  7. In addition to what’s already here, mini-golf. Trivia night (you don’t have to drink, or just sip on one). Any kind of gardens, museums, or aza accredited zoos in your area.

  8. If it can be a weekend date, go to a nice park and have walk and talk. Maybe y’all can pick up some coffees or teas beforehand to have something besides alcohol to drink.

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