So basically my parents are going on holiday for a week and I want to prevent myself from going into a downward spiral.

I have stopped weed for a couple of months now and when they have been on holidays before it would be my crutch. (usally due to boredom)

Any advice on how I can stay positive and find something todo.

  1. What do you think of making to do lists for each day they’re gone? You can add one big task per day, a few medium tasks, and preemptively plan some self-care things to do. Whether you go through with them or not is up to you depending on the day, but I feel like if I have some semblance of a schedule, it makes me feel calmer.

  2. Yeah. You’re an adult. Don’t go if this is your per-holiday attitude.

  3. My partner sometimes goes on trips for work and I get lonely pretty quickly. What I like to do is:

    * Walk for at least 30 minutes outside each day.
    * Eat 1 meal outside each day. If you can’t afford to eat out, pack a meal and eat at a park. It makes a huge difference.
    * Schedule something with your friends for at least half the days your parents will be out. I like to alternate social and rest days.
    * If you have a good relationship, call your grandparents at least once that week.
    * Make a schedule and stick to it. If I have nothing on the books I get antsy. If I know I have my walk or my outside meal in the upcoming hours, it helps me a lot.
    * If you have work/volunteer, see if you can pick up extra shifts that week.

  4. There’s tons of shit you could do on staycation from touring your area and visiting restaurants and museums like you’re a tourist, to doing chores you’ve been putting off, to going about your normal routine as if nothing is different. Seeing as your parents being gone is a big deal to you, I think you should prioritize getting out of the house and keeping busy.

  5. Now is the time to Learn how to be genuinely busy in your life pursuing your goals and hobbies, while interacting with other people on the side. You will build much needed self esteem and self confidence. The easiest way to get started is to find something you enjoy doing (not weed) and keep doing it overtime. Chase excellence, not people.

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