My Age: 19 His Age: 22 (USA)

Soo, a couple of days ago I was asked out at my job by a customer. He asked for my number and I said yes because this was the first time that it ever happened to me. (plus he was cute). I’ve never been on a date because my late ex would cancel on me or make excuses, so I don’t know what to expect on a date. So I go on the date with the guy within 2 days and it was pretty great. He had high positivity and had the same cultural upbringing as I did. (Hispanic culture). But I was thinking he was too nice because he kept smiling and made a lot of compliments to me. And he was paying everything which I felt bad for not paying. On one occasion the question of what was your longest relationship came up, and he said that it was 3 years. And that all of his previous relationships were broken off because of distance. (His job involves traveling). I kind of never heard about people breaking it off from distance, but at the same time, I’ve never heard anyone in my friend group have a long relationship. After a while, we noticed it was getting late and he was going to send me home. I had so much fun that I asked if he wanted to go watch a movie with me, and he said, “Of course!” We went to the movies and I bought the tickets, food, and drinks because it’s the least I can do. We got to the movie room, and he started to hold my hand. By the time the movie ended, it was pretty late. We got on the road and went to my house, he said that he had such a great time and hopefully we would get to do this again. We hugged and said our goodbyes. I was in awe of how much we had in common, and that he was so nice when talking to me. Was my date normal?

  1. Sounds normal. He also hasn’t pushed for any intimacy and is excited to get to know you and expresses that through his words and actions. That’s normally a healthy sign if he’s communicating. From what I can see from your description, he doesn’t seem pushy. Sad that kindness might seem like a deterrent because we are so used to nonchalant attitudes in this dating world.

    Good luck!

  2. Sounds pretty normal to me. I would be behaving in a similar way,, because I’m an honest and kind hearted man and if I’m enjoying the time with the other person I want to let them know 🙂

  3. Sounds perfectly normal to me, and sounds like you had a great time! He’s probably a little more mature than your average 22 year old, based on your story, but that’s a good thing! See him again and see how it goes.

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