How Do You Feel About SAHD’s?

  1. I don’t want kids but if I had then I would have wanted their dad to be the stay at home parent. Full time parenting is not for me! I do have step kids (adults now) and if someone had to take time off work to look after them it was my husband not me!

  2. I think it’s great if a family chooses and can afford to have a stay at home parent, regardless of sex. It’s takes an enormous amount of pressure off a family if one parent isn’t also trying to juggle the demands of another full-time job.

    If full-time parenting wasn’t such a career-killer, I’m sure more men would choose to do it.

    Most countries need to do more to financially support parents, both with longer maternity/paternity leave, protecting the right the work part-time and to return to work, and protecting pension/social security contributions while people are out of the workforce raising children.

  3. Good for them. My dad and mom trading off being SAHPs when I was a kid and TBH my dad is a bit more natural at parenting (though worse at chores). But I don’t want my husband to be a SAHD unless we’re rich enough that neither of us have to work.

  4. If thats what they wanna do and they can, then they should. Its about damn time that people realize that dads can raise kids too

  5. To be honest it would be an absolute no from me. That’s just a personal preference though.

  6. SAHPs, as long as everyone is on board from the beginning, is a great choice.

  7. I’m happy it has become a more acceptable role over the past years, they’re just as valid as SAHMs. Whatever works for people; sex/gender shouldn’t matter in these arrangements.

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