so I have been dating my lover for like two months now?? and i love them so much i would die for them? right. but, i really want to kiss them, i’ve never kissed anyone before, and i don’t mean like a kiss on lips- like a kiss on the forehead or cheek but i get so flustered and i can’t do it and they’re okay with it, we’ve talked about this. but i just wanna do it and it feels so stupid to ask but how do i gain the confidence to kiss them on the cheek and not die of nervousness 😭

this is so embarrassing to ask

and also!! if it’s okay for me to ask how do i be a better partner for my lover? i adore them so much and i want to be the best for them yk

  1. It’s just a matter of doing and practice. First few are going to be nervous and awkward, but after like 5 it’s going to be much more comfortable and normal. You know they are ok and want it, so use that to your advantage to gain courage.

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