So I’ve been talking to this guy for about 5 months now. We met on a dating app. We so peak everyday from morning to evening. It’s become routine. We met up once. Went for coffee this was about 1 month after we started speaking. Anyway things were great on the date. I felt a connection. I felt like he did too. Anyway since then, there hasn’t been any real initiative on his end to make things work. I have asked him what do you want to do because we’ve been talking for a while etc.He just says let’s go with the flow and see how it goes. We’ve been seeing how it goes for almost 6 months? I don’t want to see anymore. Am I right to believe if he wanted to he would? If he really liked me he wouldn’t give a chance for someone else to swoop me up? It’s a bit annoying because I did actually like him and I can’t help but think he’s keeping me around for the sake of it. How should I take this and what should I do?

  1. 5 months of talking about you only met once, 4 months ago? That’s crazy. Don’t waste your time on this. (I would say talk to him about it but it sounds like you’ve done that already.)

  2. If you recognize a dude is feminine then he’s playing your game of waiting until the other makes the move. He’s waiting for you to give him orders

  3. I’ve been in your position but it was only 5 months before I pulled the plug. He didn’t want a relationship and I did, so I ended it because I deserved better than to be strung along like this. You are right that it is before the 6 month mark that someone who actually wants to be with you will say so. If he’s making no effort to see you then it’s a one sided thing. So I’d advise ending it now and learning the hard lesson that someone who is genuinely interested will put in effort and will have decided way before the 6 month mark if they want a relationship or not.

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