I met this woman through a dating app, we chatted a bit, and then went on a first date that I felt went well.

We scheduled a 2nd date for the following week. Come the following week she wanted to reschedule because she had “work” the next day and thought I meant the next week. One thing I learned is that she never works this particular day through talking to her, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

Come the next week that we rescheduled to there was a 50% chance of rain, and she said she didn’t really want to get wet, fine… it was going to mainly be outdoors anyway. Again, we rescheduled to the next week. The date is now tomorrow, there should be no complications that prevent it, but I am not feeling it because I simply feel like she’s not interested.

I also feel like our conversations through chat have died off and aren’t what they used to be. They used to be back and forth every day (which I recognize might be a bad thing because it leaves nothing to talk about on dates), and have waned into maybe once or twice a day with basic stuff that seems one sided (example: I ask how her day was or what she did, she tells me but doesn’t ask what I did or how mine was). It’s something I recognize can be a sign of loss of interest.

So now my main question is, should I even bother with this second date? I like her, but if the enthusiasm isn’t reciprocated I don’t see a reason putting in more effort. And if the best decision is to cancel, how would I go about doing this since we’ve already confirmed tomorrow?

  1. Well only you can decide whether the continued effort is worth it. But if you do like her, and she doesn’t cancel tomorrow, maybe you’d might as well see how the second date goes? I don’t think either choice is wrong in this case

  2. This sounds like a self fulfilling prophecy. Have you considered that you may be self sabotaging? At the very least, try to recognize that you can’t read another persons mind and everyone expresses themselves differently. She could be very excited but just have a dry expression or is more guarded than to wear it on her peen.

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