Men and women who travel a lot for work: how do you deal with random, fast, almost imperceptible to others, eye “twichiness”?

I’ve been traveling for work for the last two weeks, and the eye twichiness that I’m experiencing is getting more frequent (maybe once every three hours, for less than 10 seconds).

I’ve had this before and read that eating bananas (due to potassium) and resting would help (it really didn’t).

Any tips on how to deal and reduce / stop it?

  1. I’ve had this a few times as well, not sure what caused it or why it went away. I think it was likely due to stress and trying to relax and forget about it helped.

    This isn’t helpful, but I know what you are going through, it’s annoying, good luck OP. Get some rest and find some time to relax.

  2. When I had it it was due to lack of sleep when I was suffering from insomnia.

  3. I get this from grinding my teeth at night. Check around your jawline and temples for trigger points.

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