How did you went from being dirt poor to being rich?

  1. I got sober , quit lying to myself and blaming others and went to work early and left late and lived far below my means.

  2. Being a minority and government handouts. Now I’m in my 20s making 6 figs with zero college debt.

  3. I haven’t. I’m trying, but it’s not easy. My main thing is that I refuse to work my life away, and that probably itself has stopped me from being better off than I am, not that I’m bad off really. I just can’t justify giving my life to work and then not having my own time to enjoy the life I’m working for. If I can’t stop and smell the roses at least once a day it’s not for me.

  4. I got a six figure job out of college, while graduating with no debts. I ended up living at home for a few years and drove the same car for a while. Made some good investments, and now I’m cruising.

  5. Moved to another country. I’ve the life and payroll I could only dream about.
    It isn’t an easy process tho and take years to see the result. I started with 24, and now living a solid 32.
    I’m not that dirty rich, yet, hahaha it’s a work in progress

  6. I was the first person in my family to graduate with an undergraduate degree and I kept going to earn a PhD in Phyics which got me a well paying job in the private sector

    And we didn’t have kids. That really frees up disposable income

  7. Got a STEM degree (before it was popular). Worked hard for 25 years for other people and of course never earned my full value. Finally started my own business, which made most of the difference. The rest came from saving money over the years and dabbling in the stock market and real estate investments, which helped a fair amount. There is no get rich quick scheme that actually works.

  8. Worked my ass off at two jobs 90+ h/we over 5 years…still not rich, but look at these rags, baby!

  9. I was a scientist with huge school loans. As much as I enjoyed my work I didn’t like being poor. So I trained to be a radiologist and make more than 10 times as much. It’s a miserable job if you care about the quality of your work. Now I eat stress for a living but have a lot of toys.

  10. It was easy. I realized that money was worthless. Found greater value out of life than material wealth.

  11. Making money was my only way out of the abusive household I grew up in. That motivation just stayed with me and carried me through to financial independence. I admit though, it’s hard to turn off, even now that I’m “safe”.

  12. I started in poverty living off the food bank and in a three bedroom house with ten people. Eventually I saved enough to move out and I got a nice union job that paid six figures. Then I had a mental breakdown after having a child and lost the job. Haven’t found anything decent since and I’m back to poverty. One day when the kid moves out I might have money again though so here’s hoping for that.

  13. Bought a cheap house. Sold it a year later at a huge profit. Went from check to check to comfortable ND debt free.

  14. Was lucky enough to have a spouse that got a union job. Otherwise it would probably still be rags.

  15. Built up a decent investment portfolio over time. Sell covered calls on said portfolio for weekly income. I’m not rich but it’s pretty decent semi-passive income.

  16. I haven’t, I’ve had to start over 3 times now! I take all the blame, it’s easier that way

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