So yeah not sure if this is the correct sub. I don’t have great “game” with women so please do forgive me if you think I could have changed things up. So I met a girl 2 months ago we work next door to each other and she seemed really nice, we haven’t got intimate yet as I’m taking things slow and have major trust and insecurity issues and don’t want to come off as a creep now first things first English is not her first language and quite of misunderstandings have happened but outside of that things seemed cool. She’s from Japan and I have a fascination to the Asian culture ie video games and anime and so theirs a lot to talk about. Now when we first met things seemed alright I did a lot of Japanese activities and had mentioned them to her and both she and I seemed interested. Their were also a number of times where I had gotten Japanese snacks and sweets for her since I work in a Japanese restaurant (looking at it now a little too much). I think one of my mistakes was that I was far too nice to her. But yeah things were alright at first as we were talking quite a bit she would also come by my store and visit me just to chat and we ended up going on two dates. One at a Japanese restaurant and one at the cinema. Things were going well until last week. So she texted me because she wanted a video game and wanted to buy it cheap and so I had asked one of my friends since he worked at a games store to check if he had it and he did (£25) however she was able to find it online cheaper than what my friend was selling it for, the thing was I didn’t want her to spend the money on the game because I wanted to get it for her myself but for obviously I didn’t want to tell her as she wouldn’t want me getting her the game with my own dime and so I asked my friend if he could lower the price and eventually he lowered it to a good amount and I told her the price however she started having a go at me for why I told her £25 at first and then continually lowered the price. I tried to explain that as we were texting I was on the phone to my friend and he lowered the price for me however she was still badgering on why I said £25 until she just left me on read. So I wanted to explain that their was a misunderstanding and that didn’t want to scam her or steal her money but for whatever reason she just didn’t want to listen to me. I texted her asking her to come by my store so I could explain but for whatever reason she just didn’t want to hear me out, eventually I was able to talk to her and explain that I just wanted to get her the game myself and I thought things were good. However nothing really changed she became cold through texts and was outright rude and when I got her snacks she didn’t say thank you. Even today I made a joke of why she stopped visiting me (she stopped coming by my store some time ago) and she replied very rudely.
So now I don’t now what to really do, my friends suggested I give her space for awhile and wait it out but not sure.

  1. Clearly a misunderstanding. I agree with your friends, wait it out.

    The harder you keep trying, the worse it looks for you imo.

  2. Definitely give her space!

    Go easy on that Japanese part, you don’t want to make her feel like that’s the only thing drawing you to her (which I hope it isn’t coz I got some weird vibes about that fixation in your first sentences)

    Also, let her get her own things sometime, she has a job and seems like she’s not looking for a sugar/green card daddy.

    The game price situation feels very weird. I can see a scenario where you’re a bit too much for her and she took that game as an opportunity to create distance, but I don’t know you and I haven’t been there, so I’ll be happy to be corrected on this.

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