In 2019 and 2020 I only dated rich men, most of whom paid me to date and sometimes fck them. But I would also go on tinder dates with either privileged young boys who had their daddy’s money to spend or business men in their 30’s. Mostly, sadly they were much older though and I would get a 4 digit gift in advance. At the beginning it was extremely exciting going to the most expensive and exclusive restaurants, clubs and hotels. Making more cash, than I ever did. A new world opened for me – that of the rich. I felt like a princess. Never like a sl\*t. Because I was treated with excitement, respect and admiration.Slowly over time, those dates and the service I gave, became boring. And toxic. Even the money didn’t increase but was spent immediately. Mostly on white powder, not just for me but for everyone around me. Easy come easy go. London city life. I would go to the cinema, to operas and on holidays with men – I didn’t really wanted to be with. I started looking at them while they told me the story of their failed marriage, thinking “I wish I could do this with someone I am in love with”.

That feeling seemed so far. Romance became fake and transactional. Money my priority. Love? Well I didn’t care much for it, until I started utterly missing it. I wanted to feel the same excitement those guys felt for me.

I often looked around me, in those expensive places and always saw some rich men in their late 40’s or 50’s (sometimes 60’s – bless) with a young woman in her 20’s. The most attractive type. Because a man with money gets the best of anything. That can be bought. And I thought to myself, how sad. How sad they look and how sad my life has become. Why can’t I do this with someone amazing, interesting and crazy handsome?!?

I decided one day, and that was also when this job that I had become dependant on, disgusted me to the bare naked essence of my soul, that I will become one of those men. Money-wise I mean. Why shall I be in the shitty situation having to go on dates with guys I’m not attracted to just to get their money. After so much disgust and regret I developed an anger that turned into a drive and the goal to be a millionaire in my mid 30’s. Latest. Still high on all the c I’ve taken in the last year, I sounded like a maniac maybe, but I was sincere. I had to become rich to not loose my lifestyle and to fulfil my dream of going to the fancy places with someone I fancied the pants off.

And I would use the knowledge I had gained from those experiences (they are plenty, strong experiences that made me understand so much about our world… and men), my lack of shame and guilt and my slightly crazy but charming personality to reach it.

This life I lived feels like a lifetime ago, but it’s just been a couple of years. A couple of years that changed everything. My happiness, my wealth, my self-worth, how I look, how I see the world.

In hindsight, I dug myself a big muddy hole of which it was very difficult to get out of. My life was hell. Which wasn’t even difficult to see from the outside – just me stuck in it, going down a slippery slope of addiction and ego, couldn’t see it.

I do, today, live a life of financial abundance, physical and mental health but most importantly of love.

I go to even more expensive restaurants and hotels than before, but I pay for it myself and I go with my amazing, interesting and crazy handsome boyfriend who brings tears of joy to my eyes because I honestly think he’s the best man in the world.

I turned my life around. I reached my goals. I found love. And I feel nothing but blessed and yes, let’s say it, proud, too.

The images of the men I dated back then, certain moments, certain feelings still pop into my head every now and then making my chest cramp with a feeling of discomfort. They do that to remind me where I’ve come from. To not start taking anything for granted. To not judge anyone. To make me understand that sometimes we have to go through really tough and shitty times, to reach happiness and soul satisfaction. And also that we are the masters of our own destinies. That we can reach our goals if we believe in ourselves. And that love is somewhere out there waiting for us, waiting for us to be ready.

  1. Do you think you could have gotten to where you’re at now without that escort history?

  2. All I got from this is that pretty privilege still exists despite your sordid past.

  3. What’s the question? This is a dating advice subreddit.

    Looks like you’re just trying to advertise yourself and get people to subscribe to whatever it is you’re selling by sharing your history which may or may not be real. Cool story though.

  4. Whoever wrote this post is the most rich dimwit ever and the fella that fell into her arms (trap) will regret when the honey phase dissipates. I read the post and all I saw is just a posh escort lady who got bored of just being nice and fake that’s it.

    That poor lad fell into a tight trap.

  5. Congrats, but here is the issue – would you recommend this route/ lifestyle to any girl?

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