Hey I’m not really sure how this works so here goes nothing:
I’m a student who lived in accomodation with my girlfriend for a year there. Overall it’s been the best year of my life, I’d come out of a string of depression and bad relationships and moulded myself into a man I was proud of with gym and justbeing content. Summer break has just hit and in a moment of terrible insecurity I made my girlfriend feel awful and basically tried to control her for two nights on her holiday. She obviously got mad as hell quite rightly. The next morning I apologised and it came down to a needs so time and space and that what happened was on hell of a red flag(This was said on Thursday). I ofc obliged and was going to just knuckle down and work on myself (and I am still) but she text me last night, only two days after the needs space. She started by saying that she’d made it back home okay, just replied with an “okay good to know, have a good time” she said “thanks I did”. So I said “presume you still need some time?” And her response is the point of this “yeah, I’ll talk to you on Sunday after the competition, I need a clear head for it”, I said “np there’s no rush, imma keep working on myself, doors open if you need” and she ended with “ok”

Definelty could’ve laid that out better. But this has left me really confused, if she wanted space to heal the relationship surely she wouldn’t have text so early and set a date like that. I could just be paranoid as all hell but my gut is telling me she’s made a decision to end it. Idk why she’d text me like that if she had but that’s the conflict.

Sorry if it’s all confused ramblings I’m obviously in some pain. Any advice at what you think this means or what to do next would mean the world. Thanks for reading.

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