what are the benefits of becoming celibate?

  1. I’ve heard it can help one focus on themselves and the emotional aspects of future relationships but it’s not for me

  2. That depends on the person and their individual situation. There can be many benefits or none at all.

  3. Peace of mind. More time and mental energy. No/less relationship drama. No risk of pregnancy or STIs. Better orgasms. Having sole authority over my own body and whatever I may (not) choose to do with it.

  4. I was celibate for three years recently, mostly on purpose.

    I had time to reflect on the toxic patterns my relationships had taken in the past, time to heal from those wounds, and generally get to a calmer, more self-aware place.

    I’m able to be a better partner now.

  5. Been celibate for a year, just to be able to focus on myself. It’s been amazing honestly.

    You either don’t have the stress from a relationship, or don’t have the stress of random hookups. Which means not having to worry about other’s feelings, STIs, STDs, pregnancy, or hell even yeast infections.

    You have more mental space to focus on yourself and your life, and find what makes *you* happy. There’s no joint decisions. Or having to balance work, sex/relationships, *and* finding time in between just for you.

    You don’t have to worry about who’s in the mood and who isn’t. If you’re feeling randy, go get yourself off (and you will always have A+ orgasms now), and if you’re not, there’s no one there to pester you for sex.

    Overall my peace of mind has drastically improved. And while I occasionally miss sex, I’m not sure if I ever want to go back into a relationship knowing that this is what life could be like without it- so simple and easygoing.

  6. The rewards of virtue are largely spiritual. Only you can truly answer what chastity and celibacy means to you.

  7. Not having to deal with men, no risk of STIs or pregnancy, having amazing solo orgasms whenever and however I want, no pressure to have sex, general peace of mind since the only person I have to think about is myself, time to reflect and better myself without distractions.

  8. 5 years of experience here. Outside of what has already been said, you don’t have to groom your body hair for someone else’s preferences and for women who have female or urinary health issues, there are a lot less flare ups and utis.

  9. No stds, no pregnancy, able to think clearer and make better decisions, dating for compatibility versus “chemistry” etc

  10. No one draining your energy through sexual energy exchange
    More spiritually connected to yourself

  11. I have pelvic pain issues (endometriosis, suspected pcos, pelvic floor dysfunction, vaginismus) so it’s one less thing to worry about for me 😊

  12. Honestly, if I’m screwing a guy and he’s *good*, my brain kinda goes out the window. So, restored mental clarity.

  13. You have more private time and space for yourself, you also have more money, less risk of getting pregnant or having any sexual diseases passed on to you, and you don’t have drama that directly points at you.

  14. I think it’s an amazing journey! It did wonders for my self-esteem, helped me figure out so much about myself and focus on growing – and trust me, I was a hoe

  15. People who choose to be celibate can find that not having sex helps their mental health.

  16. I was celebate for 2 years and it really helped me focus on keeping my job for my kids and graduating college it was nice to just focus in repairing me after my disaster train wreck of a marriage. It was the best decision I made outside my divorce.

  17. Being in a closed relationship where nobody can get anybody else pregnant means not a ton of drawbacks there, but in comparison I think I could definitely appreciate getting more used to being comfortable being alone, and less chance of urinary flare ups …

  18. Learned to love myself. And how to know the difference between someone who says they love me, and actually loves me.

    Love doesnt hurt.

  19. Like mistypee said peace of mind, no drama, but I would also like to add its a confidence booster you have control over your own body and means you value your body a lot better, also when you get into relationships it’ll be easy to see whose truly there to stay and know their boundaries. If they’re willing to wait they’re great, also I would like to say when you have sex at a young age you get tired of it after a while. If I could go back I would if saved myself from it all and just waited til I got married. I could of been wild in my mid 20s to early 30s.

  20. I won’t say I’m purposely trying to be celibate but not having sex for the last couple months have been good for me. I’m not big on just casual sex. I’d rather have sex all the time with someone I’m in a relationship with. At this point in my life sex isn’t my biggest priority I’m looking for in my next relationship. Would it be nice to get some? Absolutely.

  21. Stability and health. Having energy for yourself. Most men don’t appreciate how much women do for them.

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