I’m wondering the reasons most people move in with their SO. Because your lease was up? Because you got engaged? Because it was cheaper? Because you were ready for the next step and your lease was up? I wanna hear all about it!

  1. I only moved in with him seven months ago after a ten year relationship. I realise we are not the norm haha but the only reason we finally did it was that we are now in a position to buy a house and I point blank refused to get a mortgage with someone I haven’t lived with. Up to that point we both enjoyed our independence and didn’t feel the need to live together. Covid did change our outlook too as we could not see each other for so long which wasn’t a great experience!

  2. Ready for the next step. We were already having the conversation, the lease ending in ~3 months just put a clock on the conversation.

  3. We both owned our own homes. So no lease issues.
    We wanted to live together and take the next logical step. My now husband sold his house and moved into my house.

    At that point we did a sort of “trial” he moved in with me and had the money left from his sale, had it not worked out he could have used that money to buy another property, as it turned out we did work out and we started looking for a home we would own together.

  4. Id love to ask questions similar to this on the pandemic, like how many survived the pandemic in a healthy way, maybe unhealthy to so I could at least reach out with resources on the chance someone is too scared to ask, but more focused on the positive.

    I wonder how many oandemic babies are out there and what effeft it will have on them. 👀

  5. bought a house with my husband (then, boyfriend) because it just felt right and we wanted to.

  6. We were spending all of our time together so it didn’t make sense to pay two rents. We knew we were in it for the long haul so we moved in together.

  7. With my ex: it just made financial sense. We had been in a long distance relationship and he was moving to the city I was in, partly to be close to me and partly cause he wanted to live in that city.

    My current partner: we both had to move at a similar time, we had been together for a year but the original plan was still to get separate places cause he wanted to live alone. He then changed his mind when he realised what big difference it would make for me, both financially and for my general well-being.

    I had been renting a place in the city we both live in but spending 2-3 nights a week at his place and 1-3 nights a week at a friends house outside the city. For a while I loved it, feeling like I had three homes and kinda being a bohemian. But when my flatmate situation changed, and the constant thinking ahead started wearing me down – it went from feeling like three homes to no real home. Taking it down to two homes made my life so much easier.

    We have separate bedrooms. At first it was entirely for him, he needed to have his own private space and prefers sleeping alone, but a few months after moving in together I realised I love that arrangement. Now I’m not sure if I’ll ever want to share a bedroom with a partner again.

  8. Desire to live together. We moved in after about a month together even though we each still had separate places technically available for a while after that due to leases/home ownership.

  9. We moved in part time together a few months in. I was split between two cities at the time and it didn’t make sense for me to hold two leases when I was spending all my time at his place in one of the cities. After I no longer had to split my time between two places, I moved in with him full time (about two years into the relationship).

  10. I was spending most of my time at his place anyway, and then it made sense logistically to move into somewhere bigger together.

  11. We were spending more time together anyway so it just made more sense. Plus his job was closer to my place.

  12. He moved out of town for work straight out of college, and I followed once I graduated myself.

  13. My partner and I of 8yrs lived in a 10ft by 8ft shed during covid for a year.. yep no lie. I did my wfh work in there, gamed in there, slept, ate etc and only used the main house which was his Dad’s for the basics.

    Winter time I nearly lost my shit though, it snowed and we were stuck inside and just expected to work like robots. Went for a walk 3am on Christmas day in my pj’s comtemplating life.

    We already knew we wanted to live together, even though I’m extroverted and he’s introverted we just naturally stay out of each other’s mental/physical space.

    We searched for a house out of desperation to leave ASAP, wanted to wait til I did my masters but nevermind, we moved 1yr in and I have no regrets. Our home feels like a castle!

    I think that being cooped up in a shed and not going crazy with each other said alot to be fair. Made us very grateful for this house.

  14. Because we were ready for the next step. I also found out I was pregnant the day I moved in.

  15. Because I wanted to move abroad to do a PhD a year later and he wanted to come with me. So to ‘practice’ we moved in together. 6 years later, the PhD abroad never happened but we are still together and married now 🙂

  16. I met my boyfriend online. I lived with my parents in Poland and he lived on his own in the UK. We started dating during the pandemic so seeing each other was tricky.

    A year into the relationship restrictions lifted up enough to allow us to meet in-person again, and we decided we didn’t want to be separated again. So I packed my things and moved in with him. We’ve been living together for nearly a year now.

  17. We first moved in together after I got back from a 6 month long study abroad program. I was finishing up my last year of college and he had an apartment in the city my university was in. It ended up working out just fine – we’ve been together 13 years, married 9.

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