I’m a 17 yr old female and a pretty sensitive person. I’ve hung out with this friend group for the past year and a half. Let’s call these friends A, C, and J.

These friends are pretty well known/popular, but I’m more introverted. They’re super nice/sweet to each other, though they do rag on eachother a lot. I got pretty upset when they called me “nothing” as a joke “oh nothings here” but they genuinely apologized and I’ve become a bit less sensitive since then, and have ragged/been ragged on since. They go out of their way to hang out w me/go to my bday, share food with me, support me, and invite me to places.

But they can be kind of mean. The popular friend in the group, C, told one of my other friends (from a different friend group) that she thinks she’d work at a McDonald’s and be that one worker that speaks so quietly you can’t even hear them. Then A and C started talking about how their parents say that working at McDonald’s is a “disgrace” or the lowest of the low. See, A doesn’t actively say mean stuff without provocation, but she doesn’t mind when C does, and laughs along. My friend got so nervous/embarrassed she was wringing her hands in front of them, but I was too scared to say anything. C has also said some mean stuff to me (only when we first met though about me being “slow”, but tbh I was just nervous and kept stuttering)

Which brings me to the current situation. A is aiming to get into UCLA, and is taking 5 Ap classes; she wants to be a lawyer at a biglaw firm. But she’s been so stressed all the time and got 4-5 hours of sleep a day her entire junior year, and now she’s trying to take twice the course load her senior year! We’re really close, so I kept worrying for her/asking if she’s “going to be okay”, and biglaw lawyers have really stressful lives, until she snapped and said “this is coming from someone with the future of a nurse”. Ouch. I felt so bad about that I ended the call shortly after and cried. I talked to another friend and my mom and realized I overstepped my boundaries and annoyed her, she should live her life how it makes her happy, but I’m already insecure about my career choice and her response kinda reaffirmed that she does think my career choice is inferior. (For the record I’ve decided to not bring up her course choices etc and support her, and not mention dropping any APs even if next year gets really tough for her. but I’ll only offer support for breakdowns, with a limit as she made this decision herself.)

I can’t tell if I feel comfortable with this group but I don’t want to lose out on the wild high school experiences if I leave this group, experiences that my “chiller” friends don’t really like/do. Like traveling on a senior trip without parents, riding in C’s old car and going anywhere we feel like, even a couple months before she was legally allowed to drive us.. I’ve had a hard time making close friends and this is the first real/close friend group I’ve been a part of. If you guys could give me any advice I would really appreciate it.

  1. *Popular* peoples in school tend to be mean, thats why most of them end up lonely at some point once they’re out of school.
    Its nice enjoying the wild college years but if you enjoy it with people that are rude you most likely will separate at some point, even its after the college.

    Imagine you turn 30 and the college time is over, would you rather have the wildest storys about your college time but no one who remember them except you because you descidet to hang out with the wrog crew? Or do you prefer having someone who remember the college time with you

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