So me and my girlfriend have been together 7 months but we known each other for about a year and and few months we met on tinder. We started doing things bf&gf do together like about 6 months or 7 of knowing each other. Such as kissing and holding hands in public things like that. I really do love her. And now she comes to my house and I go to her house. I live alone. But she lives with her sister and nephew. We started making out and doing over the clothes things like rubbing on each other and then we started doing more she will jerk me off but not much and I will suck on her boobs and things like that. She has told me she has had sex with girls. But hasn’t said anything about guys. I don’t really want to ask to be honest. But also I don’t know if I’m her first guy. She likes to touch me all over but won’t let me put my hands in her pants. I don’t wanna rush and I am not sure if it’s a good thing or bad thing, but this is the longest I been without sex. And I really do want to have sex but I love her for more then that so I don’t want to push it if she’s not comfortable. And I know some of y’all might say just ask about sex. But I won’t do that I’m too nervous/scared. I want to have sex with her ya know. But also I’m not going to do anything about it either because I don’t want to make her uncomfortable. I’m not really sure what I’m looking for here. I think I’m just venting. But any advice would be helpful

  1. thats a long time to wait for sex. Perhaps. she just sees you as a friend. But why not try to take her bra off next time. If she sees you are trying to push things along maybe she would be okay with it.Tell her you are ready for sex after you makeout with her. I hope you have protection. Try to unbutton her pants if she says no stop buts worth a try then take them down for her if she is okay with it.

  2. i think it’s best to just be upfront with this one because maybe she is nervous about having sex with a guy for the first time.

  3. I think it’s cool to find a woman who isn’t promiscuous. If she’s a virgin waiting for marriage is fine, I would wait.

    If she fucked around with other guys though that isn’t going to work for me.

  4. honestly, if you’re too nervous to ask about sex and discuss sexual history (in a respectful, necessary way), then you’re not ready to be dating as an adult. i know that sounds harsh but the lack of communication here does not bode well for this being a successful relationship.

  5. She may just not be ready to go all the way yet. I think the best way to handle it is to keep doing like you two are doing, but for you to give strong body language cues towards wanting sex. I’m not saying to rush anything or be pushy, but do keep escalating it as long as she’s not uncomfortable. You can do things like move a hand to her waist while you’re making out or **gently** pin her hands to the mattress over her head while you start slowly kissing down her stomach, things like that give a clear sign you want to continue but allow her time to stop you if she’s not comfortable.

  6. Dude you will find out one day she hooked up with someone else and worked that D

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