I’ve been having sex for years i had two long term partners and a few flings, but i don’t even think I’ve ever enjoyed sex before until I met this recent guy….
From the moment I met him there was an instant attraction.
Well once we got comfortable and started having sex everytime was like the best. He goes down on me first make sure I came then he goes for a few rounds and each time going down on me.
I literally never liked head in my life until I met this guy. Also he knows how to work his d*ck that’s forsure , he kisses me during sex he pays attention to my body, and even now last night I made it all about him, I sucked and rode him, ive never enjoyed watching anyone moan as much as I like seeing him moan. He puts his face on my face and we just stare back at each other and I’m not even shy with him. I actually had my first orgasm without doing it myself with this guy, last night I came so hard and we went two rounds and my vagina was like throbbed in pleasure I’ve never ever ever had that happen… all these years and I’ve never known such pleasure. I hope everyone finds someone like this.
He cuddles me for hours and just rubs my back and kisses me for hours after it’s so sweet he stays the night with me alot as well
I don’t wanna lose him thats forsure
Any advice on how to keep him?

  1. Be yourself. Be kind. Listen. Take care of him. Tell him how you appreciate him, and love his attentiveness. Ask him if there’s anything you can do for him.

  2. You can’t keep anyone on just one thing – even great sex. With all due respect, I think you know that. It’s great to celebrate with this post but if you guys have a real substantial connection, you wouldn’t be asking. Enjoy it in the meantime though!

  3. How to keep a man:

    1. Be nice to him and don’t be a bitch
    2. Don’t get fat
    3. Keep his belly full
    4. Keep his balls empty

    It’s really not hard.

  4. I had that once. He wasn’t conservative.

    Multiple partners. One marriage and divorce.

    Men have put on a courting ritual until they get me. Then they start demanding blow jobs because I have made the mistake of acting like I enjoy giving head.

    I know that I have been dating the wrong type of man. I have dated conservatives all my life. That’s what was available in my area. But, I recently spent time with socialists. I’m in love with the way they think

  5. Sounds like he completely consumes you! Guys take notes;) I learned along time ago it’s not about just fucking. It’s about that connection! Congrats on finding someone who gets it!

  6. I feel the same about my fiance. Nobody has ever made me feel insane pleasure as him, not even close. I didnt enjoy sex before i met him. He has teached me how awesome, intimate, wild, animalistic and euphoric sex can be with person you really love from bottom of your heart 💜

  7. Omg, congratulations! I had that with my first partner and haven’t experienced anything like him since, it’s been ten years. 🙁
    But I know I’ll find another guy like him, exactly like you’re describing. I completely understand how magical that can be and I’m so happy for you! And excited to find that again with a guy.
    As for keeping him…I wish I could give you advice. But all you can do is be yourself, keep communication open and discuss things with him. There’s isn’t “keeping” people, if you’re compatible then you do the work to keep it going. But no amount of trying or loving will make someone stay with you that isn’t compatible with you. And PLEASE for the love of anything good, do not stay with someone who upsets you just to keep something positive in your life. I know it’d be sucky to lose that beautiful connection you found but do not ever sacrifice yourself to try to hold onto someone. It will ruin you, take it from me who loved people despite the bad.

  8. Wow this makes me sad, I just had this exact thing and then he moved and ghosted me ahhhh, hopefully theres another one out there for me haha

    i hope it works out for you because its the most amazing feeling ever.

  9. Can you please tell me how you’re finding this. I’m being very serious, I’ve been asking all year for help on here and I’m like at my wits end with men in general and can’t do women because strap Ons are just not my thing. And I don’t want to be with my dildo any longer. Me and my dildo have been in a relationship since I was 18 and I’m 27. I’m lonely and I want to want with me to come too. I’m ecstatic for you though. Gives me material for tonight’s solo session lol. Happy humping!

  10. It isn’t that much.

    That’s just what good chemistry does 🙂

    He will stick around.

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