I know, I’m the dickhead.

But my current partner I’ve been with for over 7+ years. We are great friends, but we’re not lovers, We literally haven’t had sex in 2+ years and we are not even really good flatmates.

The truth is I’m completely in love with our friend, he and I always had some kind of spark but we were never single at the same time. We’ve grown so close now all I do is resent my actual life. After we started talking more he left his girlfriend of 5 years and is currently sorting out his housing situation due to that.

I dont want to end my relationship on a bad note- we also have a dog that I absoloutly don’t want to lose but am happy to give my boyfriend (anything/everyhing he wants). I’d really love for us to stay friends but I have no idea what to expect.

Has anyone been in a similar situation? What’s the best thing to do? Wait it out? Give them space after? What a fucking mess haha

Thanks for reading

  1. Give them space and don’t make any assumptions about being friends. Let them make the first move if they want to be friends.

  2. Has your bf tried to fix issues like the sex life? I mean, nobody goes 2 years without sex and kids themselves that they have healthy relationship. If he hasn’t brought this up and tried to fix it, it’s likely that he feels the relationship is just as dead as you do.

    Either way, rip the band-aid off.

    It will suck and it will be horrible. It always is, but there’s zero sense in dragging it out.

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