As the title says are we seen as boring or maybe as arrogant?

I have trouble when im at a new workplace or school whatever to talk and get to know them.

I’m a man, do ladies find us awkard, creepy or what? Because thats how it atleast feels like.

  1. That’s a good question and I personally don’t have an answer and I could use one as well lol.

  2. Im quiet because im a major insecure introvert with huge social anxiety but honestly im the sweetest, talkative person once you get me to be comfortable around you and unfortunately because of that AND being a female.. I often get told I am stuck up or come off as a “goody good” so most stay away from me 😭 or maybe im just super ugly lmao who knows BUT yes… this a problem for guys and girls alike

  3. It’s a thing that majority of people do, they see quietness as you not being interested in talking with them, they see you as unaproacable and in some cases arrogant. It’s all about the body language.

  4. To me, quiet people are not boring…just reserved. I’m quiet but definitely not boring. I’m just selective to who I converse with.

  5. When I was a teen , I was seen as boring . Now , I try to open up more , but rather listen > talk . People see me as laid back and chill , maybe because I engage more nowadays as opposed to when I was younger .

    As far as the ladies go , me being quiet made me a bit of a mystery . I hung out with extroverted bros so me being quiet got me more attention from women . Then again this is when I was younger and not married so not too sure

  6. my boyfriend is quiet and reserved in public, and with the mask on he looks quite intimidating. I thought it was a long shot when I asked him out on a date, but he agreed. I can say that I thought he may be boring or douche-y because he was so reserved, and other people probably assume that too. But I can say that he is nothing like that as I get to know him better.

    Although some quiet people are seen as boring and they turn out to be boring.. many just might not know how to hold conversations.

  7. Depends on the situation. If you avoid social interaction people will definitely think you’re awkward or rude. If you’re quiet but responsive and greet people from time to time, People will be more comfortable around you. They may still think you’re boring though.

  8. If you say and do nothing? Yes. Saying and doing nothing is boring. But you can say only a little and still be interesting. Words carry different weight. Are your statements provocative? Do you have insight? Are they funny?The same goes with your actions. Creating something small and/or delicate can be just as interesting as something big or bold.

    So ultimately, boring people lack passions, interests, depth, and do little. How much you say and do only illustrates that.

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